Otherwise, even if the same achievement method is different, it is impossible to change it in one second.

"The five elements are senior brothers, so let the younger brother Yuanmagnetism make a name for himself!"
Qiu Zhixian smiled at the right time. "Brother Qing Hao is talented and afraid that it will be a moment to realize the perfection of the five elements."
Qingwei glanced at her good school sister, so you don’t have to say anything to hurt people, okay?
Qiu Zhixian’s intensive study of Tianhe Zhenfa also has a clear dust in the door, so he can often consult the body and the water body, so he may have a deeper foundation than Qing Hao.
She came here just to ask some questions about the water mine method.
Qingwei naturally won’t be stingy with this, not to mention being a fellow student, but to grow up together as a child.
Therefore, after helping Qiu Zhixian solve some problems about "water element and yin thunder", he also generously told her some mysteries about Renshui and Guishui God thunder.
Qiu Zhixian is grateful for a smile, and they are also melodramatic and polite.
"Brother Qinghao, go with the meta-magnetism, and the five elements will be extinct. Even the power of the divine needle will not be too high, but it is also good to have the great magical power of Yin and Yang."
The three of them talked a lot, and all of them were told by Qingwei. When they listened carefully, some questions and suggestions came out from time to time, which would also make Qingwei get some inspiration, which was also quite rewarding.
This is the advantage of being a Taoist couple!
In this way, Zhang Chi’s orderly practice life seems to be fleeting, and the door of the quiet room for half a year is slowly hitting.
Don’t say that Li Jingxiu, three people, can detect the physical switching of Qingwei Road in the door now, except that they can keep sincere and pay attention to it.
And even if the Taoist body and the body are in the same place, if you don’t want the Taoist body to be seen, you won’t be noticed even if you walk in front of someone.
No one has ever said much, but after staying behind the sect, Qing Wei left Taishan and fled towards the treasure house of the Ice Palace.
Chapter two hundred and fifty Revisiting Cold Mirror Lake
Since several years ago, this evil force has become more active than before.
Of course, it is their practice for an assassin organization to haunt.
Therefore, the so-called activity is just a few more difficult orders.
Hou Mengfei, who received Shenwei at the beginning, is now a great master who has survived two disasters, which can be described as high-spirited
The original plan can be completed with that trace, but I didn’t expect that in the end it turned out to be the Taoist Yu Shengzhou who cracked down on Taoist Tianhe, the great master of Huangfenggu.
The news suddenly surprised Meng Fei.
He has not only seen the Taoist supernatural power several times, but also experienced it personally. Now he is afraid that it will become more difficult to step into the scene of perfection.
At the same time, the business of Qingwei in the cabinet was paid by different people one after another and was told of the possible location.
Such a rich reward than many great masters made a deputy cabinet owner decide to turn this list of Taoist Qingwei once!
What’s the point of not doing things when all the money is collected? They are also more dependent on customer satisfaction.
Therefore, after deliberation and decision in the cabinet, Meng Feishou and another great master helped to take three Jing Yuanquan masters to round up and kill Taoist Qingwei.
It is also the first time to deal with a master Jing so seriously for so many years.
But there’s no way. At the beginning, Taoist Qingwei’s defense avatar was shown several times without telling everyone that he couldn’t attack in series. Don’t be ashamed.
There is no reason for the avatar’s power to stagnate now that the realm is high.
"The assassination object is clear.
Belong to the returning school
Jing Jing Jing quan

"What are you laughing at?" Jin Douna wore a big red V-neck to reveal a beautiful semicircle in the evening ceremony.

It’s easy to go back to earth for a vacation. The first thing she does is to change clothes, buy clothes and change clothes …
Of course, Chen Yi can’t say what he heard, but he can’t lie, so he just keeps silent.
"It’s a secret, isn’t it?" She spoke in Chen Yi’s ear and spit out hot air.
Itchy ears are very comfortable. Chen Yi stretched out his hand around Jin Douna’s waist and laughed. "It’s really a secret."
"really?" Jin Dou Na murmured 1 in Korean.
Chen Yi couldn’t help but close his eyes when he felt the energetic waist collide with his hard arm.
"Let’s go upstairs." Jin Douna took Chen Yi and made a roundabout to make them hide in the shadow of the column as much as possible.
Today’s banquet was held in Jiangning Theater. It was not spacious, and about 300 people were accommodated on the ground floor. The second and third floors were almost empty.
Chen Yihuan looked around and then all kinds of tassels and light shielding took Jin Douna to the second floor.
The second and third floors of the theater are VIP rooms, which are narrow and semi-closed. From the floor, you can see everything, but from the side, you can’t see anything.
Jiangning Theatre can survive in the big waves of the times without relying on modern architectural design.
Without the support of tension, Jin Douna was soft. She put her arms around Chen Yi’s neck and looked at him carefully for a while, muttering, "You don’t look like a mainland man."
Chen Yi ha ha smiled. "There is a city now."
"After that, you will have two continents, I believe." Jin Douna recalled what she had seen, heard and thought in the western continent, and then compared with the bustling banquet in front of her eyes, she was temporarily absent
There are two kinds of absent women, one is in a trance and the other is in a physical trance, but they are all the same.
Chen Yi watched the woman in her arms show up in bed before she looked, and she couldn’t help being absent.
"Pull the curtain" theater curtain Jin Douna suddenly "woke up" and the whole person was like shrimp.
A red look forward to emitting fragrance.
Chen Yi started like a racing car and pulled three curtains around it in a flash.
Jin Douna felt that her body suddenly fell, and her back touched Chen Yi’s arm at the moment.
"Did you just let me go?"
"You let me go and drew the curtains and caught me?"
"A little wave of divine power is just …" Chen Yiyue’s lower horizon is gradually filled with the rich red lips.
Jin Douna tried to respond as if to squeeze all that untrue to Chen Yi or suck in a little real.
The banquet is going on
Building intimacy is heating up.
For a long time, Jin Douna took a hard breath and laughed. "The knight of magic is really bad."
"Yes" Chen Yi leaned over and picked up Jin Douna, which made her have to entangle herself with her legs.
He felt as if he was admiring a beautiful piece of porcelain, especially the half of it, which had to undergo several tests and climbs.
At this moment, that beautiful big V-neck evening gift is not even the most basic shame. The palm of your hand is full of heat and magic to stimulate Jin Douna to tremble. She tries to distract herself and say, "I heard that the story of fighting knight is not less than that in the foreign museum, but I don’t know what the magical knight is like …"
"Knights of Divine Power are people who are good at divine power, just like this …" Chen Yi makes his divine power deform if it is substantial.
Jin Douna’s face just showed surprise and soon turned into surprise, followed by rest, shyness and a little curiosity, accompanied by a groan …
"How did you do it …"
"As I said, the knight of magic is a man of good power." Chen Yixiao is to let the attractive red tide continue to spread.
"Now we welcome the respected founder of Xijiang Club, Jinyuan Group, and the founder of Jinsheng Securities Company, Mr. Chen Yi …" The floor microphone sounded untimely.
Jin Douna was glad and disappointed. She hugged Chen Yi and gave him a deep kiss. Then she smiled, "Everyone asked you to talk."
"I don’t want to go"
"Will be found" Jin Douna fell on Chen Yi’s chest and unconsciously shook her body and groaned more and more.
Chen Yi licked his lips and laughed. "You can’t just run away."
"Well … but … you’re going to speak." Jin Dou Na snorted and her body became softer and softer, and her legs were tightly clamped with Chen Yi to prevent him from escaping.
"I have an idea." Chen Yi took out the phantom wand and leaned over to put a red crystal on it and said, "We have five minutes."
Jin Douna squinted and couldn’t see Chen Yidong’s low Korean saying, "Five minutes is good. Five minutes is enough."
It is very easy for Chen Yi to send a phantom to give a speech instead of noticing a smile. It is necessary to control the good times.
"Chen yi? Everyone is waiting for you. "Wu Jingjing sounds from outside the door. She is greeting two places at once.
Jin Dou Na’s body tightened and her legs stirred hard.
Chen Yi couldn’t hold back. First of all, he cleared all obstacles in the evening ceremony. Two pieces of cloth were very few.

At most, there is such a vague statement as’ when is Walsh closest to Mars mythology and when is it farthest’.

There are also some materials that can see Walsh’s’ orbit’ around the star and the distance from the star, but they are not accurate. In fact, more detailed information about Walsh has not been retained. These are just’ general introductions’
Suolin decided to send out some arms to check and see near the stars.
Because of reading these materials, Lin also sent a pompom back to the leader, who treated the pompom as warmly as before and thanked the pompom for taking their team to the abandoned town, because the former captain had informed it about the situation, which made the leader very happy.
Because of this, they can get a lot of houses and resources for nothing.
Of course, it didn’t say it directly.
At the same time, it is not worried about the rock skin, because it has heard that it is a group of crawling creatures living in caves.
The leader said that their ancestor Ershi wiped out many such creatures, but the captain obviously didn’t tell him the details. For example, the residents of that desert town were wiped out by rock skin.
Lin and the leader are mainly talking about Walsh. The leader said something that made Lin feel interested, that is, Walsh has a satellite called Mu.
"Where did that satellite go?" When the fluffy ball asked the leader this question, it indicated that the satellite was also missing.
Just like Walsh.
But compared with Walsh, no one paid attention to the satellite. It was discovered during the exploration … that satellite was no longer in its original position.
But it may not disappear like Walsh, but it may float somewhere.
Lynn thinks we should investigate it, because it is unlikely that the star bus will move another roller away, which will take a lot of energy.
The star bus is where its own energy is hidden. It is already difficult to move its own energy, and it is unlikely to move another one.
After this, Lin also decided to tell the leader something about rock skin, because it seemed interesting to see them surprised.
"You … what did you say? How is this possible! " Sure enough, with that, the leader looked hard to believe on top of the world. "We were sent technology specially? To those … cavemen? "
"Yes," said the fluffy ball, "you should also think that it is not a coincidence that so many problems occurred after the initial flight team flew here."
"But even so, it’s impossible …" The leader looked at the velvet lane. "Can you … prove it?"
"There is no evidence," said the fluffy ball, "but you will soon be attacked by’ rock skin’. You must be prepared before."
"… I see. Thank you for telling us this information."
Although the leader said so, his mood is pure disbelief, which is really normal.
They originally hoped that when Walsh disappeared, the leader would think that they could create new articles here, but after being told that they were actually here to’ fertilize’ the rock skin technology, they had an idea in their minds not to believe it.
And the rock skin doesn’t care if they believe it or not.
Lin paid a little attention to a rock skin cave, on the other side of which a large group of rock skin is now surrounding a rock skin.
This rock skin is their’ patriarch’. It is one of the few rock skins with the longest historical memory and the oldest. There may be many young and strong rock skins that can beat it, but rock skins usually choose the most intelligent patriarch.
Qian Lin took the metal ball away, and they looked very flustered, but Lin put it back, so they are now stable and ready for a further plan.
Because they have been exposed to quite a lot of Dorche technology, they decided to plunder more technology.
The patriarch is holding an image panel, which is displaying a map. The map shows the nearby terrain in detail, but the most important thing is that there are many marks on the surface.
Including water source marks, some suitable living areas and so on, while the chief of the clan mainly notes the area group marks.
The map has the location of various groups of residents in Mars mythology. The patriarch pointed to these marks and made a special sound to’ describe’ the surrounding rock skin
This language is a "new language" of rock skin, which seems to be different from the Walsh language, and it was developed during their residence here.
However, these languages are not complicated and can describe simple words, but they are enough for the patriarch to make it come up with plans.
The patriarch looked at the panel map carefully and then it put its finger on a point and said, "hmm!" "
"Oh, oh, oh, oh!" The rock skins suddenly burst into cheers, and their group boiled. Some rock skins took out weapons from residents and shot at the ceiling.
The bullet ejected from the top of the cave and hit another rock skin, but no rock skin was injured.

Laughing at the sea, it took a long silence before saying, "A simple answer is not a specific answer. It’s not time yet."

Nodding gently, Liu Yunyang said, "I don’t know. Maybe I can learn a lot from following you this time. I don’t know if I finally learn those things. Will it bring me death?"
Laughing at the sea and looking at him strangely, he whispered, "You can really learn a lot from me if you are worried. All I can tell you is that everything depends on your luck. The world is not absolutely unchanged. Today, we are friends, and maybe the sky will be enemies. There are many things to fix."
Chapter V Entering Hong Yegu
Liu Yunyang nodded. "Thank you for waking me up. I know in my heart, but now I think that although you are mysterious, you are not evil. It is not bad for me. I hope we will not face each other with swords."
Laugh at the sea with a cool smile. "If you trust your intuition so much, maybe one day your intuition will make you fall into perdition."
Gently shook his head Liu Yunyang said, "My intuition has always been very accurate, and I have never made a mistake since I was a child. I am still alive. Come on, hurry. Didn’t you say that you will arrive in Hong Yegu later? If you don’t leave, it will be dark." Say that finish, you suddenly flew forward over the sea of laughter.
Looking at his back and laughing at the sea, he whispered to himself, "I hope I am not mistaken about the dragon flying in the sky!"
At dusk, Liu Yunyang laughed and led the sea to the Dabie Mountains.
Pointing to a mountain ahead, he smiled at the sea and said, "After crossing this mountain, we will arrive in Hong Yegu. Now I have something to tell you first. Before I go to Hong Yegu, you are my cousin. You have to remember that you must not let people know about us or it will affect my trip."
Liu Yunyang said, "I see what you mean, but I don’t think it seems fair enough."
Laughing at the sea, he sighed, "You are still young and don’t understand many things. There are not many old sayings. If you are poor, you will change. How many things can you do if you go straight?" Well, just listen to me and do what I say. In addition, spend more time on learning and experience more things, and you will be white. "
Liu Yunyang said, "I understand what you said. I just said my own opinion. I didn’t recognize that you did something wrong. What else should I pay attention to now? If it’s gone, let’s go. It’s getting dark."
Laughing at the sea, I said, "He, just remember a little. We should do as little as possible. If others ask you, you will change the subject." Then I took Liu Yunyang through the mountains with me before I flicker.
Laughing at the entrance of a valley, the eyes of the sea willow Yunyang Valley stayed there, engraved with three big stone tablets of Hong Yegu.
At this time, Xiao Canghai made a look at Liu Yunyang and motioned for him to pay attention to it. Then he went to Valley Avenue "Xiao Canghai came to invite Yan Daxia to come out and see him."
Gu Yi’s long whistling sounds melodious and rich, which shows that this person is extraordinary.
Then a figure came and fell to Taniguchi, smiling at Liu Yunyang, the smiling sea.
"Brother Canghai is really trusting, and I was afraid you wouldn’t come. I’m waiting in a hurry. Who is this little brother? It’s really rare to have a pure and honest real yuan at such an age."
Laugh at the sea and say with smile, "I’m sorry to have kept Master Yan waiting. This is my cousin Liu Yunyang who has been clamoring to travel around to make me take him with him. Don’t laugh at him. What are you doing? Why haven’t you seen Master Yan?"
Aside Liu Yunyang heard that he was busy saying, "Yunyang has seen Master Yan."
Mouth said the in the mind is strange that Yan Nanfei supposedly has at least ten seven old. How do you look handsome like a young man in your early thirties?
It turns out that Yan Nanfei is dressed in a sky-blue gown with that handsome and incomparable appearance, which gives people the feeling that a mature man does not show his old age at all, which makes Liu Yunyang, a mountain village living since childhood, feel very strange.
He knows people who are old at the age of 50, but people in front of him laugh. The sea describes that they are at least ten years old. How come they are not old at all?
This is very common for people in the field of repairing truth, but it is difficult for Liu Yunyang, a person who has never been exposed to the method of repairing truth.
Yan Nanfei said with a smile, "It’s getting late. Let’s go in and talk about it." Say that finish with a smile and the sea Liu Yunyang disappeared into Hong Yegu.
Liu Yunyang watched all the way around and found that the valley was long and narrow with dense maple forests on both sides, and the ground was overgrown with weeds, and there was no trace of anyone passing by.
Suddenly, a luxurious compound covering an area of 100 acres appeared in the eyes of Liu Yunyang laughing at the sea in the narrow valley three miles ahead.
Looking at this compound, Liu Yunyang found that the surrounding flowers were piled up and clustered around the outside, keeping a certain distance, which was very unique.
In addition, from a half view, there are many scenic spots in the courtyard, such as pavilions, rockery pools, bamboo forests and stone seas. The whole courtyard looks like a fairy palace.
Surprised, I looked back at Liu Yunyang, laughing at the sea, and found that his expression was dull and there was no fluctuation in his eye prospects. It seemed that all this was not the case in his eyes.
Pack up the surprised expression Liu Yunyang smiled at the sea, and together with Yannan flying off the flowers, the three men turned around for a long time before they came to the door and entered the red leaf clause.
Chapter VI Princess Hongye
Liu Yunyang behind Yan Nanfei couldn’t help but ask curiously, "Master Yan, the scenery here is so beautiful. You should have spent a lot of energy in building this place, and the flowers outside are so beautiful. I wonder how long it took you to collect them?"
Yan Nanfei laughed. "These things happened many years ago, but it took me nearly three years to build this clause. Now that I think about it, I feel a little sigh with emotion."
Laughing at the sea and seeing Liu Yunyang, I was afraid that he would say something stupid and hurriedly beat me to it. "Yunyang, I’m afraid you don’t know that those delicate flowers just outside the door are a wonderful day. I don’t know that cracking the legal person can’t get into this clause. Even if you fall from the middle school, you will fall into that wonderful array of flowers. Do you understand? These are the things that you have to learn more and remember more after experiencing. If you meet more, it will naturally be white. "
Liu Yunyang saw his one eye and found that his eyes were different. Suddenly, he woke himself up and said nothing, so he nodded, "I understand when I know."
Yan Nanfei in front laughed. "Your cousin is famous for his know-it-all. You should follow him and work hard to protect you from poverty in the future. Let’s eat first when we get to the hall."
Sitting next to the sea, Liu Yunyang looked around and found that there were not many people here. After sitting for a while, he only saw two maids, one serving tea and one serving food.
At this time, Yan Nanfei walked out of the patio with two beautiful women.
The first one is about twenty-seven years old, wearing a green skirt, slim figure and watery eyes, giving people a mature and beautiful feeling.
The second one is in full bloom, about 16 or 17 years old, with delicate facial features and jade skin, and a naive and naughty smile, which makes people feel that she is like an elf who can’t help but hold her hand and care for her.
Smiling, Yan Nanfei went to the table and introduced each other. After that, everyone sat down for dinner.
Mrs. Xi Yan Nanfei Meng Feiyan has been laughing and talking with the sea and asking some strange words from time to time.
But Liu Yunyang’s swallow peeks at each other from time to time, just like hide-and-seek looking up here, looking down there and looking down here, looking down here. The two sides always have a tacit understanding and never make eye contact. It’s very interesting.
After eating a meal, Liu Yunyang looked up and found that Yanfei was smiling at himself.
That innocent smile with a heartfelt joy made his heart shake and his sad mood suddenly widened a lot.

Soon after he arranged these things and returned to the instrument and health department, Huang Jin came over and said that it was Jiang Feixuan. He thought that the dispute outside the door had reached Jiang Fei’s ear. During this period, Yang Chengzu and Jiang Fei had seen it several times and developed the rule of reporting something on a regular basis. At this meeting, the bead curtain had been removed and the two men talked face to face directly.

Jiang Fei is less than 40 years old. She looks like a graceful and luxurious lady in her thirties. She can be a princess. She is naturally not ugly, but her face is very kind. She belongs to a woman who is easy to get along with. The first person to accompany her is Mrs. Xing Xian. This woman is a few years younger than Jiang Fei. She is also a beauty with a somewhat sharp face, which makes people feel uncomfortable.
"What’s going on outside? The first king’s day, the za Xing Wangfu, has always been very kind. Although due to the bad status of Zongfan, we directly gave money and food, but we gave the state official money and food at all. In previous years, because Xing Wangfu could save many lives, today, this kind of knife and staff can’t be allowed if it is a sovereign day. "
"Yes, Yang Yizheng, it’s not too bad for you to do this. It’s all about buying weapons or training. But as soon as we drive away the victims, our Wangfu name will plummet this time, but some victims will be so nervous that they don’t know if they are rebels of Ning Wang."
Mrs. Wang didn’t have a good opinion of Yang Chengzu because of the Xiaocui incident, but also because the result of that incident was too unexpected for her, which made her restrain herself from confronting Yang Chengzu head-on.
Yang Chengzu didn’t kneel and kowtow because of the censure of the two princesses. "The princess empress has just asked some old people in the Department of Health. In previous years, although some refugees came to ask for relief, few people dared to build a house outside the Wangfu. Everyone felt that the farther away from the Wangfu, the closer it seemed. Moreover, the situation this year is different from previous years, and the market is not very peaceful."
"I’ve heard something about this, but the world will be a little chaotic when there are more refugees. Can’t you say that refugees are thieves?"
"That’s the case. Although these people may not be thieves, they can become thieves at any time. After all, they have no food in their stomachs, and the Wangfu extravagant eaters have me, which makes them feel resentful. We eat meat, they drink soup, we are full, they are not full, and we have clothes to wear. These are all resentments."
"A little bit of resentment will disperse without returning home, but if this kind of resentment accumulates, it will easily lead to problems. Every day, there is a backlog like a powder keg. I don’t know when it will blow them up. Today, I kneel outside the government to ask for money and food, and I will call more people to come. After all, everyone has folks and relatives. Today, the elderly are disabled, and the day is normal. If I don’t give them one day, I will feel that it is Wangfu, regardless of their lives."
"You mean?" Mrs. Wang is a little less kind than Jiang Fei, but more honest. Her eyes and look have changed a little after hearing this.
"nip in the bud every year, there will always be some people who rob rice shops and grain in some places. Those people may all be farmers, but when they are hungry, these people will become evil wolves. Now, if these people make noise and disturb the ministers, it will be difficult to atone for one thousand."
"We can also put people away before it happens, and then let them know that Wangfu will not give up porridge and rice, and it will also save them the trouble of running a liter of rice to raise a benefactor and a bucket of rice to raise an enemy. They don’t expect us to give some food to Wangfu, and they will think it is a kindness. If we give food as soon as we do, they will feel that it is natural for Wangfu to give relief. If they don’t come here in the future, they will be angry, so I dare to break them up."
Chapter three hundred and seventy-two Means (5)
"So you do this is the wangfu consideration? It’s true that it’s hard for you to think so much, but it’s probably safer to leave this kind of thing to Yuan Changshi, who is a civilian. After all, you are a military man and sometimes you are too impulsive. It’s also a sin to kill someone. "
"Sister, this is not the case. Yuan Changshi is a scholar, and he always speaks about benevolence, righteousness and morality. Maybe in the end, he will pity these victims and in turn advise us to let those people go one step further. I have dealt with you, and they make sense. They can cry with you all day. If they pick up a whip, they will run faster than anyone else. I think Yang Yizheng is quite good."
When the world is safe, Jiang Fei has nothing to say, no matter how kind she is. It is her hope and Mrs. Wang’s hope that once there is anything in the world, even the country will be sealed
For them, the world is above everything else. When Yang Chengzu found out that refugees might mutiny and threaten the world, both of them changed their positions, but they gave Yang Chengzu a free hand to do it.
When the news arrived in the back garden, Zhu Houzong was pulling a bow in the back garden. This is a picture from the hard bow Wangfu in Shaanxi Military Guard. After pulling a few different bows, he was tired, but his face was full of sweat. "Today, I pulled Liu Bing more than yesterday. Am I great?"
"Chitose dragon and tiger are fierce, naturally strong in body and martial arts."
"Professor Tao Shenxian, my method is said to be for men and women to practice together, but I’m still in mourning. Besides, I haven’t finished Ding Hexie’s practice yet, and my spiritual strength has improved compared with the past. It can be seen that he is really magical. Today, Yang Yizheng’s scene of expelling refugees … is very enjoyable. Tell him once that if there are any more refugees, remember to ask Jiang Dalang to go out with him."
"Chitose, do you support Yang Yizheng?"
"Of course, I remember what he said when I went to the countryside to collect rent. How much food will so many victims eat this day? I don’t think people like Wangfu will be in their eyes if they cover the house outside the palace wall. If they are relieved again, they will be somehow indifferent. This is a kind of thing that I can’t do. Others dare to do things like Yang Yizheng. There are not many loyal officials who are not afraid to do things. Of course, I support him. I will send him a reward later to let him know Wang’s attitude. "
After saying this, he raised his bow again and imagined that the hungry people were pulling their bows and shooting arrows, shooting them as far away as possible.
In this expulsion, the refugees were very injured. After a few initial cries, some people took the lead. Many people went outside the state government to cry and complain. Wantong was dealing with the problem of money and food for levee construction, but he was frowned by waves of crying.
After hearing this, he hummed a pen and threw it away. "I don’t like the words of the captaincy but don’t care about the financial resources. Instead, I think this Wangfu is becoming more and more asshole. Forget it. It’s not good for a good official to take care of him if he doesn’t look for trouble. It’s not good for him to take part in my speech again in the future. All the injured people can be treated in the room by the state government. Let them repair the state government. Outside the state school, some people can also be arranged to live. There can always be no one to sleep in the furrow."
The autumn wind is getting colder in Anlu, and the temperature is getting colder. Most of the victims are dressed alone, and the cold wind is like a whip. Everyone’s skin is beaten through a thin cloth, and people are shivering. Fires caused by ignition and heating occur every day.
The state government has been burned twice, and even the camp has lost something at the same time. A house maid was held by a stranger when she urinated at night and dragged into the corner. If she hadn’t shouted, she might have been humiliated. By this time, Wan Tong also understood Yang Chengzu’s ideas. Refugees are not all as virtuous as they think, and the truth is not suitable for everyone.
The weapons of Anlu Camp have been delivered, and they are armed. It seems that Anlu Camp can’t quickly restore the order in Anlu. What’s more important is that they are not familiar with their own soldiers, but those who rely on martial arts or soldiers who speak the same accent are more likely to command those troops.
They are refugees born from the same root, and often they are more accustomed to protecting their own villagers in disputes, and then find some reasons to cover up their own township party. With the support of the army, those refugees will be even more reckless, but they will suffer.
This kind of situation is also beyond Wan Tong’s consideration. He is a scholar who speaks truth, and refugees can always find such and such truth, so that he can say that he can try his best to restrain them from making too much trouble.
At the same time, some of the refugees are becoming more and more active. They often walk from street to street to enter any shack, because they are not wearing thick clothes or medicine, and occasionally they bring food or money. What is more important than this is that they bring hope to these poor people and can have better hopes.
Refugees, they look at the relatively rich life of Anlu people. Many people have accumulated a lot of grievances in their hearts, such as the shortage of food and the poor living environment, which makes this dissatisfaction increase and makes them hate people more and more.
Foreigners are more likely to be oppressed by people, but when their number reaches a certain scale, there will be confrontation to get money. Because they are relatively more United, refugees will occasionally take the lead in this confrontation.
And what these people bring is that the people they defeated live a better life, hoping that some refugees are full of bizarre dangers and bloody words, and many people have returned to their hometowns, and some habits are secretly worshipping themselves, believing in God or praying quietly, but their prayers are unknown.
In this environment, Yang Chengzu’s family also welcomed an unexpected guest, which shattered the calm. The news that "White Lotus Sect wants Anlu to rebel from the inside and respond to Ning Wang from the outside!"
Chapter three hundred and seventy-three Means (6)
It was Hao Qingqing who brought this news. This time, she brought her own women’s army. Nearly 100 strong, thick and stupid women with bows, arrows, dark swords and guns actually entered Anlu City. When Yang Chengzu saw her, what he wanted to do most was to catch the defenders along the way and beat them up. How did this job work work?
"We have the roads of Qin Wangfu, and no one dares to search and say that there is a war now. Jiangnan’s commercial roads are impassable, and everything is missing. Most of the caravans are armed under the banner of caravans, and they are also called guards and filial piety. No one checks them carefully."
Hao Qingqing can meet her lover’s face and smile into a flower. Look at several pregnant women such as Iron Coral with a somewhat embarrassed look in their eyes. "I am later, all of you should take a look at me. What is that after us?" Sisters, right? Anyway, that’s what it’s called. I’m very easy to get along with. Everyone eats meat, drinks wine and shares it with men. "
It’s hard to be really angry with her because of her attitude. Liu pulled her over and said with a smile, "You are a real girl. Chengzu is lucky to have you. You all have to learn to live in her house to be peaceful."
Yang Chengzu brought her news. After talking about homeliness, he asked, "Where is your source? Are you sure? "
"It must be. Dad is afraid that you will suffer. Let me meet you. The news is that the White Lotus Saint Cold Frost told me personally. Anyway, the two of us used to be good sisters. She said that she would help me to disclose the news to me once. A large number of people from Wang Shiliang and Huguang White Lotus Society followed the refugees into the city to prepare for the capture of the city. You’d better hurry with me. These people are malicious. It’s too late to leave, even if they will come."
"Cold frost? Who is it? What is your Qinglong Mountain and White Lotus Sect now? Tell me about it carefully. "
Although Hao Qingqing gave the man to Yang Chengzu before, he never said anything about the cold frost. It’s not that he was worried about anything, but that the cold frost looked so handsome. She didn’t want Yang Chengzu to know about this person, but now it’s just a theory, so he can’t hide it, so he can introduce it from the beginning.
Only then did everyone know that Hao Qingqing had helped everyone during the grain war in hua county, and she had a better impression on her. Of course, the most important reason was that she was not in line with the aesthetics of the people of this era. For these women, Hao Qingqing was an ugly woman, so that people who were not a threat to them would be more acceptable.
On the contrary, her mouth is as cold as frost, which makes these women rise to guard against iron coral. "Is the white lotus witch in the city now?" I think it’s better to arrest her first, interrogate her carefully, and maybe even catch all those bad guys and cut them down. It’s really good to make something against it, even if it’s against something, it’s necessary to settle down. "
"Yes, why do they have to choose Anlu when there are so many Wangfus in Huguang?" Yang Chengzu shook his head and secretly called out bad luck. I didn’t expect to bump into the White Lotus Sect here. He asked, "How do you teach the school now?"
"Dad, this smell-scented teaching is just like what you said, even the nonsense is also like what you taught me. It was when my dad saved a fox spirit, a fox spirit, a tail, a debt of gratitude, a strange face and an edge avatar, and you said that a large number of Christians in the three provinces of the sheep pulling method were absorbed by us, and the White Lotus Sect didn’t take advantage of it several times. Now my dad has been classified as an evil spirit from the General Sect, saying that the leader would sooner or later urge the avatar to destroy our smell-scented teaching, but so what? Secretly, instead, they sent people to contact us to discuss the agreement. "
When Hao Yunlong was seriously ill, Yang Chengzu gave an idea to let them come to Huguang Qizhou to invite the famous doctor Li Yanwen to smell Lee Eon’s name. Perhaps his name is not well known, but he has a terrible name, that is Li Shizhen.
Lee Eon Wenshen Taiyuan Hospital is naturally not interested in treating bandits, but when these mountain thieves go out to visit his family, he just follows the mountain, and then he has to take a root to cure too much. This thing is not very valuable, so the disappearance of him and his family has not caused much impact. Compared with Ning Wangnan, a little cure too much is too small.
With Li Yanwen’s medical skill, Hao Yunlong’s experience in teaching has been Yang Chengzu’s later teaching methods, and the Wenxiang religion has developed extremely rapidly. Now there are tens of thousands of believers, and many gentry dajia have also joined the religion, which has made the Wenxiang religion develop more and more prosperously with strong financial support.
Although the White Lotus Sect abhors this kind of blood-sucking and flesh-eating behavior, he has no way to think about it except that the Sect mainly uses its magical powers to subdue demons. After all, even the loyalists have to suppress the terrain and location of Qinglong Mountain in three provincial capitals to level it down, so don’t expect to crush him with the strength of the congregation.
The friendship between the white lotus saint and Hao Qingqing can also stop here. It was when Hao Qingqing said goodbye that she deliberately said this important information as a reward for her sisters’ friendship in the past.
"Take charge of the equal king Shi Jinliang. My father has also heard that there is a person who counts in the Bailian Sect. I heard that he is very demagogic. Even those operatives are often willing to follow him after listening to him. This time, he entered Anlu with a large number of backbones. I will help you whether you want to fight or leave. If you want to fight, I will take these women soldiers to help you find people out and get rid of them. If you want to go, there are still roads in my hand for you to sit with me."
"It’s pretty good to be a leader," Miao Xiugu said carefully. When she saw everyone looking at her, she lowered her head for a long time before saying, "Without being a leader, it would be disappointing for me and Coral to be birthright. Who am I pregnant with now?"
"Silly, even if I marry you, what can I do?" Yang Chengzu simply picked her up and put her in his arms. Miao struggled for a few times at first, but finally he hugged him so much. "I’m not afraid of what others say to give you your birthright. I’m sure I’ll give it to you."
LiuShi way "ChengZu that you mean to catch people? Then be careful. These disorderly parties are fugitives. Don’t get hurt. "
"Auntie, don’t worry, I’ll take my female guards to catch people. No one can hurt the husband." Although Hao Qingqing is pregnant, it’s not a big deal that a strong woman in the hills can still pull a bow and kill.
Yang Chengzu hesitated for a moment and suddenly shook his head. "If I go with you to catch people, it will be a white lotus virgin. It’s a shame that you finally want to benefit an old sister. It’s a pity that this plan is for me!"
Chapter three hundred and seventy-four Means (7)
"Master, you mean?"
"I mean, she lied to you," said Yang Chengzu. "But I still have to say that she really listened to me and almost fell for it. It’s a pity that I’m not interested in meritorious service and I’m not interested in saving the people of this city. I didn’t listen to you and then I was eager to report and arrest people. Instead, I thought about what benefits I could get from this, and I didn’t fall for it."

Their strength has been stuck at the peak.

There are many star-level colonialists, but their strength is inferior to that of the top different artists. There are many ways to go forward. If you want to make further progress, you must find another way.
Isn’t quarrelling the best way?
Pope Leigh, who got the fighting skill from Mei’s inspiration, formed a powerful fighting army prototype himself, and at the same time easily brought in several confidants for himself.
If he is lucky, these people will be his most loyal cadres sooner or later.
As a result, the Pope ordered Xuanzhen to be the head of the quarrelling corps …
Although this move is contrary to the convention that the qualifications of the original church are always greater than their abilities, when the Pope comes out, Xuanzhen’s personal experience confirms the authenticity of these quarrels, and your practice is also inseparable from Xuanzhen’s guidance
You know, if an unheard-of practitioner is instructed, the original church of God will not be responsible for what problems you have solved then.
No one dares to have opinions when this is said …
Of course, all this is done in secret.
However, Mian Xuanzhen and others still stay in "Limit" OL. Every day, they carefully follow the elders of Yunlan Sect to practice and work hard to raise their level.
Their order now is that Cheng Yunlan’s elite brother should buy his high-level fighting skill as soon as possible and then bring it back to the original church aboveboard.
When the time comes, these people who secretly practice quarrelling can confidently surface.
After a long time, the OL of Limit was very calm … All the players were practicing and improving themselves.
Although they don’t even know why they should work so hard, they can always feel a sense of inexplicable anxiety chasing behind them.
It seems that if you don’t hurry up, you won’t be able to practice.
And during this time …
Mei’s inspiration relies on her own failure to deal with the darkness before, and now she has played a role beyond imagination, so she wants to start thinking again, especially when she is suppressed so badly by Taoism and Buddhism that she almost survives. He can’t wait to find out the way to break the situation from Limit OL.
So every once in a while.
Vince will always find Su Wei, who loves to ask him for advice on all kinds of trivial matters.
"I don’t know the word Su Zhangmen very well. Can you tell me?"
"Su Zhangmen refers to the seven methods of robbery. Can you give me some specific instructions?"
"As you know, Mr. Su, I grew up in the United States of Galilee. Although I know the script of the Central Asian Empire, it is very difficult for me to write a color. Can you please help me make a profit?"
I’m afraid even Mei’s inspiration can’t imagine that he read that informative report actually written by Yue Buqun.
I can’t help it. Su Wei is not a Central Asian Empire …
His literary talent is excellent, and he can copy out a preface to the Tengwang Pavilion in minutes, or it’s not difficult for him to write words by himself.
During this period, Taiping Island was also very calm.
In addition to the rest, a lucky player has won the peerless achievement method or the peerless martial arts class announcement appears.
However, these announcements have not caused any big waves in the OL world of Limited.
Everyone in each player group, including Huashan Dongliang Group, is just envious and jealous.
Samsara has opened a lot up to now, even if it is just entering the "limit" OL players will also know one thing.
That is, many seemingly lucky things are actually doomed.
The former samsaras are just lucky. I can do it, too. Samsaras are full of cheats. Just pick them up with sacks …
In fact, it is the most superficial and arrogant idea.
They can get the peerless achievement method because they have such ability, and then they can take off directly with a little chance.
Especially like the brave prostate in the brave five group, it won the S-level evaluation first in the trial cycle, but also quickly got the peerless achievement method Jiuyang siddhi after entering the cycle, which added a possibility to Su Wei’s strength.
Ninety-nine percent of the pairs have been paid attention to by successful players. They are not rewarded with reincarnation points, but are all digging deep into the reincarnation curtain … Although these samsaras only last for a few days, their parts have become a world of their own.
So they dig too much.
Almost every reincarnation has lived a full life.
Only a three-year appointment. This is the only one who has not been connected yet.
He …
The bucket level of the strong is too strong.
In terms of absolute combat power alone, I’m afraid Yunshan’s combat power is much stronger than that of the emperor …
This is Xu Xi’s conclusion after entering a three-year meeting with Yunshan.
In the end, the strength of big BOSS is stronger than that of elite deputy BOSS?
The price-performance ratio of these three years is really too low.
Therefore, most of the reincarnation almost completely gave up this reincarnation …
But there are still two people who are obsessed with the three-year contract.
Especially nowadays, almost everyone has lost interest in this reincarnation …

[Judgment passed! 】

[Burner Robert’s Family Ruins] Another harvest: When you combine the ancient Celtic priests’ incomplete’ flame’ with unknown occult techniques, a new occult technique is born, which is more powerful and flexible, but what really makes it powerful is that you integrate the’ dragon breath’ feature! 】
[The effect consumes a little physical strength. The starting point of your palm sprays a conical flame forward. The flame angle is 4 and the length is 145 meters. The blade level is fierce. The attack level will increase physical strength when it is continuously sprayed. Or you can summon a fireball with a judgment level and a fierce blade to throw at the target]
(Label 1 does not need a gesture diagram. When your mind moves and raises your palm, the flame will spray out.)
(Note 2: You can spray the flame with one hand or both hands at the same time, but the energy consumption will be doubled.)
(Note 3: When you throw a flame, you need to aim yourself and the throwing distance needs to be determined according to your body.)
(Mark 4: This arcane method is upgraded)
What an accident!
Goethe’s eyes are full of accidents when he looks at the blood crow spirit and feeds back.
Not only the attributes of "mind" and "body" are obtained, but also "staring at the weary in doing one’s job" and "burning hands" are promoted.
With this promotion, the "weary in well-being gaze" has really become an imminent gaze for ordinary people.
And [burning hand]?
Once again, it can be listed as a conventional means of warfare.
Fierce flame is a great threat to most transcendental people.
And …
There seems to be a lot of’ anchor world’ and’ Dragon Blood Warrior’
Goethe thought of a sudden heart fiercely.
A peep suddenly fell on him.
Chapter one hundred and nineteen On the eve of the storm!
The sea waves rolled endlessly, bringing up waves.
White waves still appear in the night, and the Farber ship is slowly sinking in the distance, and people shout loudly.
But the sound seems to have stopped
It’s not just human voice!
And the sound of the waves!
Goethe felt that everything was still when that peep appeared.
Peep is fleeting.
Everything returned to normal in an instant.
But Goethe’s hair blew up.
Just like walking alone in a quiet forest in the middle of the night, a poisonous snake suddenly jumped out of the bushes, which is not only dangerous but also fatal.
But this eye is not staring at him!
But in the hands of "dragon blood crystallization"
More precisely …
Faber VII!
Goethe is thoughtful.
At this time, the archduke, who had been hiding in the dark, came out of the shadows and asked Goethe with his eyes. After confirming that Goethe had no problem, he made a sign to Sim Laike.
"I’ll give it to Em Laike first."
"Smyrk, Goethe and I will come back to Bear Castle."
Archduke said a flicker like this and disappeared.
Smolleke followed quickly.
And Goethe, who had already been motioned by the archduke, came to Margarita Margo.
"Do you want revenge?"
Goethe asked softly.
Margarita Magma nodded.
"Come with me if you want!"
Goethe said and turned to go.
Margarita Margo immediately followed.
On the other side of the dock with the Grand Guard, Enmlek sighed with regret.
Goethe is still too soft-hearted.
"Give me words …"
"What would you do if I gave you a word?"
Has been disappearing for several days, and Giercke came along.
"Of course, hold Margarita Margo firmly in your hands and then … kill all the Faber nobles here-their property and resources fall into their pockets and release Faber’s property belongs to them and to me."
Dagong times said and sighed.
"Do you believe that you dare to do this? Father will definitely break your leg."
Giercke grumpily turned supercilious look.
"I’ll do it even if I break my leg."
"It’s a pity that the key figure is Goethe instead of me?"
"It’s my brother again … alas!"
Dagong times repeatedly sighed.
But soon Dagong came to his senses.
He looked at his other brother.

Jade Duxiu looked at the gangster coldly with his hands in sleeves. "It’s better for Taoist friends to return to the seat if this magical power hurts, or they can get rid of evil thoughts and introduce the right way to seek the avenue."

Mafia people laughed "avenue? Everything in this world should be cultivated to the extreme. According to the evidence, you can smell the road. Now you are practicing less than 500 years. You have lived for tens of thousands of years and you have the virtue to guide you. "
Jade Duxiu’s face shows compassion. "It’s good to use the method of exorcism today to measure the stubborn Taoist Buddha."
Said but see jade Duxiu right hand outstretched sleeve a Lei Guang fingertips vertical and horizontal day thunder rolling a thunder fire split toward the gangster.
Thunder and fire are Vulcan, and thunder naturally restrains all evil things in the heavens. Thunder and thunder are the power of heaven and earth, and everything is afraid.
"La" saw the thunder coming and not dodging, but saw a bell jingling in the hands of the gangster, and a big clock suspended above the head would cover it up.
"Ahhh ….." A sharp roar from the clock counted black gas and instantly wrapped the Mafia National People’s Congress clock.
The thunder thundered and thundered, and the number of women and men came out of the big clock. The power of the big clock was cut a lot when it was hit hard.
"Mafia people ask you again whether to turn over a new leaf." Jade Duxiu’s first line of thunder played behind and paused to heckle the Mafia people.
"No way, bodhi old zu, you weren’t born when I was vertical and horizontal. You want to be a bodhi old zu and I am a child. It’s a joke." He said, but he saw the gangster suddenly stamp his foot for a moment. The earth was like a water wave, and the black gas escaped out of the road. The land turned into black, and the palm tore the ground and a stiff body climbed out.
These bodies are all black in appearance, and the corpse gas fills the air, and the ptomaine spreads instantly, and the earth is corroded.
"Never repent" Jade Duxiu’s eyes turned cold for a moment, and the waist ice spirit flashed with fluorescence, and a cold current flowed along Jade Duxiu’s feet. Everything in the place where it passed was instantly frozen, and the earth became indestructible. All zombies instantly frozen the earth.
"Since I want to die, I’ll be you." Jade Duxiu’s voice is cold, mastering the operation of five thunder, and the thunder is rolling down one after another, chopping away the dark clouds in the sky and rolling down several thunder brewing.
These great powers made the Taiping Taoist brother dazzled and frightened.
This divine thunder is that the power of heaven and earth is too great, and if it falls down, it will make people carbonize their bodies. Although these people have passed through three disasters and stepped into a wonderful realm, they will be beaten to death by this divine lightning, but they will not be able to reply for hundreds of years.
After hundreds of years of reply, the delay is too long, and the delay is too great for practice. I am afraid that if I don’t break through the realm of healing for thousands of years, I will have exhausted my life and died.
"Very fierce, this can be like resisting" Huang Puji stared at his eyes slightly.
On the one hand, the old man in Yi Dao’s brow wrinkled badly. "I haven’t seen this little guy for a while, but it’s even stronger. If we go like this, we can’t go like this. Let’s bet on the war and win or lose."
Road flyover Bishui over there rolled his eyes. "We’ll bet on a fight, but we’ll definitely take the little one."
Old man Tai Yi Dao shook his head. "No, the risk is too great. If we push the magic weapon out, we can’t do anything. This is not a small matter. We need to be cautious."
Chapter 324 Fate Grafting See "Daoyou Please Stay"
Countless zombies want to get out of the ground, but they are instantly frozen by ice. Half of the earth is exposed and half is still buried in the ground.
"Click!" Thunder rolled in the sky, and the mighty thunder and fire were one after another. Zombies’ thunder and fire turned to ashes, and all the evil spirits vanished in shape.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes sparkled with divine light, and she looked at the bell ringing off the top of her head. Jade Duxiu, a gangster, gave me a sneer. "Since she refused to drop that being original, she could destroy the magic."
Said the jade show in the hands of a thunder cut virtual split to gangsters.
Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum
"Friends, wait a minute." A burst of old sound started, but an old man in Yi Dao blocked the gangster.
"It turned out to be an acquaintance" Jade Duxiu looked at the old man in Yi Dao with both hands and said, "Let’s be an acquaintance. I don’t know the name of the Taoist priest."
"Old NiuLaiFu met friends" Old man unhurried way
Jade Duxiu nodded "the old monk? Do you still want to be original? "
"It’s hard to be a friend when you are born and die." The old Taoist sighed and then the topic changed. "Now that the Taiping Road is gone, the Taoist friend will be tenacious and insist on the instructions."
Yu Duxiu was indifferent to the news. "Someone once said this to me, but since I am a patriarchal crisis in Taiping Road, it is a matter of position that I have to contribute my personal grievances."
NiuLaiFu smell speech nodded. "Monks should do less killing and being original, but there are millions of soldiers behind them. If the master of Tianzong Gate doesn’t count, it won’t kill many people and hurt the sky."
"Do you want it?" Jade Duxiu heard something in the old Taoist priest’s words, and his heart might as well move according to the old guy’s words. Maybe there will be a turn for the better.
The old Taoist priest touched the bar and said, "There are enough casualties in this robbery. If the old Taoist priest doesn’t want to add more killings, why don’t you make a pact with him?"
"If you agree?" Jade Duxiu stared at the old man.
"I have chosen the strongest three combinations from the nine big doors, and Daoyou has won two out of three games. If Daoyou wins, we will immediately retreat, and this catastrophe will end. If Daoyou loses, this wind and wild ridge really needs to be presented." Niulaifu said.
Yu Duxiu’s eyes moved and his thinking turned "combination?"
"Yes, Daoyou Shenwei, if it is a one-on-one fight, no one is Daoyou’s opponent. I’ll wait for someone to unite to exert the greatest power. Of course, both sides can agree on the number of people, and Daoyou can also choose helpers from their own clan." Niu Laifu said.
Jade Duxiu did a little meditation, but he didn’t come to answer, but he saw the wall Hongyuan climb up and down and Jade Duxiu "promised him" in front of him.
Hongyuan is excited at this time. This is a turning point. How many monks are there in Taiping Road? How many monks are there?
If mixed up, the root is to crush the other Coalition forces instead of Taiping Road, but the Coalition forces crush their own side.
There is no hope of winning the melee, but this struggle has given Hongyuan a chance.
Jade Duxiu nodded. "Since Uncle Hongyuan promised that one, it’s hard to say anything. Let’s win two out of three."
Looking at the opposite Niu Laifu, he said, "You want to cross the road like a bucket."
Niu Laifu touched the bar. "I waited for five brothers and Taoist friends to fight against the law and suffered heavy casualties. Today, I want to learn from Taoist friends."
When he said this, he saw the "senior brother" flying out of the allied camp again in front of Niu Laifu.
Niu Laifu nodded. "Now Miaoxiu Daoyou has promised to gamble and ask the two younger brothers to get ready."
Said the three instantaneous according to the three directions … heaven and earth qi machine throughout the three mighty.
The other three people, according to the rules, Jade Duxiu can also have two helpers, Hongyuan, saying to Jade Duxiu, "I’ll leave you as a helper."
Jade Duxiu waved his hand. "These three experienced people are deeply involved in the study of secrets and skills. Non-equal people can step in. Uncle Shi also invited you to board Chengtou to sit and watch the overall situation."
Hongyuan’s lips moved, but after all, she didn’t say anything and turned away.
Not far away, the gangsters picked up their lives and dared not say anything malicious. They put away the bell and flew back to the camp.
Jade Duxiu’s fingers moved slightly, and his whole body was boiling with blood, bursting into three hundred and sixty-five coherent crunches. "I didn’t expect to do it again today. Five of you brothers are not my opponents. Today, three of you don’t know if you have the courage to dare me to put it right."
Niu Laifu is sad and happy. "There are all kinds of obstacles in the past, and now it is even better for us to wait for the obstacles."
Jade Duxiu noncommittally "that DouYing, Yichuan now? Have you ever spent the five declines of heaven and man? "
Niu Laifu’s face was serene and sad. "It’s a pity that the two brothers have gone to the afterlife, and they will surely enter the avenue again. This day, the five failures of people are a disaster for our monks. No one can survive the death of the two brothers. It is also a death in heaven and earth."
"When you practice Yi Dao, you can easily change the number of lives, but you can’t change your own. It’s sad and sad." Jade Duxiu sighed gently.

Chapter 224 See the light through fog

There is a light green plant seedling in a flowerpot covered with sand. The sand in the pot is still wet. It seems that Mu Zhuifeng occasionally comes to water it.
Sitting by the bed, looking at that plant seedling, my heart is full of joys and sorrows.
Happiness is that the growth of plants and the reproduction of animals are unchangeable. It is a good thing that walnuts germinate when they break their shells.
Sadly, I can’t save Wang Yanpei’s life, and I can’t leave her soul. In the end, I didn’t even take care of her relics.
"Qian Fan on the side of the sinking boat crossed the sick tree in front of Wan Muchun." I shook my head and sighed.
"Don’t discuss something with you in the spring." King Kong cannon came in careless.
"What is it?" I took back my thoughts and took out a cigarette.
"It’s so hot that your apprentice and my son are sick." King Kong Bao took the cigarette and sat next to me. "I want to install a central tune."
"Ann" I nodded in agreement.
"You’ll have to put paper on the room glass, but it won’t work." King Kong cannon pointed to the window white silk cloth.
"Come on," I nodded again. It’s impossible to keep the original view of Ziyang, and it’s not necessary to be too old-fashioned
"That line, we’ll buy things in the mountain and then hire a nanny for Zhuifeng." King Kong cannon said, "We have to buy milk powder for three little things." Mu Zhuifeng can’t naturally feed three baby milk powders, which is the best.
"We have too much cash in our account, so you should try to deal with it. A headquarters will be reviewed next month," I added.
"We won’t come back to eat at noon when we know it. Get some yourself." King Kong Bao said and walked over.
I came to the front of the mountain to see Nalu after seeing the Three Shadows and the Water.
Nalu is not as lively as before when she is old. After teasing her, I came to the gate where Lao Li and Fugui lived.
"Have you eaten with real people?" Lao Li and Fugui were having dinner and hurried up when they saw my arrival.
"Didn’t give me a bowl" I took the riches and honour dragged chair to sit down.
"Wealth, take Nalu out for a walk." After dinner, I made an excuse to support wealth.
"Yu Zhenren has something to ask me?" Lao Li stretched out his hand and took the cigarette I handed him.
"It’s nothing important. It’s just a lesbian routine." I lit a cigarette and thought it would be more appropriate to start from there
"Ask the real person if you have something to say." Lao Li is very sensitive and knows that I won’t chat with him for reasons.
"Lao Li is a Maoshan Sect, right?" I asked easily.
"How many years ago?" Lao Li shook his head without denying it.
"Mrs. Ma Qianli’s temperature inclinometer is a descendant of my brother. Some time ago, I went to Maoshan. She told me about you." I got up and played in the past, which naturally eased the atmosphere
"Is Master Sister-in-law all right?" Lao Li raised his head.
"I’m fine, but I talk too much when I’m older." I laughed. I’m several generations older than the thermometer, so I naturally don’t have to worry about anything.
"Master elder brother and his wife treat me well," Lao Li sighed.
"How old was Lao Li when he left Maoshan School?" I asked.
"What is separation? I was kicked out by the master when I was twenty-four." Lao Li didn’t hide anything, and he knew that the thermometer would definitely tell me something about him.
"Why did you want to dig a grave with someone?" Since he doesn’t hide it from me, he won’t hide it from me.

In the violent blasting, the huge body of the cannibal flower was looming and kept screaming. It was wrapped in huge petals, and it resisted the huge blasting force. Then it broke with howls and howls, and several petals flashed cold light towards the sky, and the giant bird suddenly appeared.

"Had a narrow squeak. It’s like a crow and a phoenix creature. It must be a black burn. It’s finally drawn out. Otherwise, we must be the disgusting man-eating flower king now."
Purple bell purple pupil secretly relieved, but the whole person suddenly sat down and looked at the sample JingXie loss, which consumed him a lot.
"Can you still insist?" Sammul He frowned slightly.
Purple pupil nodded. "I can hold on for a while, but it won’t be long before I find a place to cultivate first."
Sammul He thought for a while and then said, "It’s relatively safe in the northwest, so let’s temporarily stop the purple bell somewhere there."
The purple pupil should be shaken by a purple bell and then stabilized. It should have fallen to the ground. The two powerful creatures have been fighting with them.
"When you hurry, there is no absolute security in restoring this forest." Sammul He said cross-legged to absorb the surrounding aura. Only by constantly improving his strength can he protect himself as much as possible from being swallowed up by wild animals
At that time, Zijinjingling was quiet, and Brady was idle and interesting. While reading the recipes, he muttered, "I don’t know if I can get out of this forest of death."
His words were naturally regarded by Sammul He.
Reiki quickly gathers and keeps pouring into Sammul He’s body. After a circle, Dantian gathers more.
At first, the increase of aura was quite stable, but as time passed, his aura actually throbbed, like excitement and trembling.
He Tianyi light yi reiki abnormal reaction made his heart wonder. This reaction is not the first time he met Bo Dong when he met underground. Now he has induction. Does it mean that this dead forest is as powerful as Bo Dong, the water god?
As soon as this idea came out, Sammul He frowned tightly. He didn’t know how strong Bo Dong was, but he Bai Bo Dong waved if he wanted to kill them even if it was a trace of the dead.
If the dead forest is that high, it is definitely a danger signal.
Body reiki is still throbbing, and suddenly reiki accelerates inexplicably, like sending him all kinds of information. This is reiki’s induction to heaven and earth.
Reiki guided him in the same way as he had guided him to Bodong.
This forest of death is either a great man like Bo Dong or a place with a very pure aura of heaven and earth.
There are two reasons why the aura of other bodies will throb.
Of course, he would rather have the aura throbbing because of the latter, or whether they can walk out of the forest of death will have a definite answer-if they don’t, they will die!
Because of the aura, he points out the direction, that is, the direction they want to go is exactly where the dividing line is located.
In my heart, I suspect that Sammul He is not going to tell Purple Pupil and Brady that he doesn’t want two people to worry. At the same time, he thinks about whether they should be with him. Aiwei is not afraid of sacrificing his life. For this world, he is lonely. He has no fetters, even if he sacrifices, there is not much regret. After all, he is not from this world, but Purple Pupil is different from Brady. They have relatives, parents, their own family and power. If he dies because of him, his heart will be branded and his pain will never be erased.
In the end, he made a decision that he could not let them take this fatal danger.
"Purple pupil will transfer me out, I’ll go to the front to explore the way." His light mouth and eyes can’t see how much fluctuation there is
Purple pupil one leng then nodded, no doubt it said "be careful".
For a moment, Sammul He appeared in the forest to steal the dzi beads and automatically suspended them in front of him. He stole the pictures of Fiona Fang for miles and made sure that there was no danger around him before he moved forward cautiously.
Blood-red reiki emerged to cover his breath and avoid the keen sense of smell of wild animals.
After nearly a hundred miles, all the way was blocked. Although he met several powerful beasts fighting each other, he had already spared him by stealing the dzi beads to find out.
It’s been nine nights since he came out when he calculated! This walking distance is a full 1000 miles! However, it is still a short distance from the destination, and the forest of death is too big.
Pull a piece of cloth from the clothes, wrap the body wound around his legs, and sit and absorb the aura of heaven and earth to restore his body.
At this time, his body was scarred, although he stole the dzi beads, but the horror of the dead forest still made him gasp. Some unknown animals and plants would suddenly sneak up on him around or underground. His most terrible injury was that his right chest was bitten by a frog-like creature, and a large piece of flesh and blood showed his ferocious bones. The seemingly weak animal actually looked at his aura armor or bit his defense armor.