The police department was overjoyed when such important news fell from the sky. He went online and asked them to confirm the situation of the bridge bomb as soon as possible.

If the situation is really as Baishi said, they can rest assured that the loop train will stop at other lines and let the passengers go first.
How many times has Chapter 22 said that I am a law-abiding citizen?
Baishi returned to his seat after finishing the conversation and continued to listen to the three girls chatting.
Say it’s three. Actually, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Haibara Ai nodded or shook their heads when they threw the topic, but she didn’t seem impatient and didn’t seem to hate this kind of unbalanced conversation
After Baishi sat down, Haibara Ai took a look at him every few seconds. Five minutes later, he saw that Baishi didn’t plan to sleep again. She went back to the small headrest, deflated it, folded it and took it back to her bag to continue.
Baishi eavesdropped on chatting and eavesdropping seriously because he knew there must be very important information in his words.
As we all know, Mao Lilan has many physical attributes, one of which is very important-explosion locator.
If you don’t know where the bomb is, it’s always right to ask her about the trip, because the biggest and most powerful bomb is usually right at her foot, even if it is not less, it will be located in the same place with her.
Baishi quickly filtered out a place name from the girls’ chat-Mihua Grand Cinema.
That’s where Mao Lilan is going to watch the midnight movie with Kudou Shinichi tonight.
After the police confirmed the situation of the bridge bomb, they immediately evacuated the loop car to other tracks in conjunction with the Railway Dispatching Bureau.
Panicked passengers finally got the bus.
It was not dark when we arrived at the strange car, which was remote.
Suzuki Park and Mao Lilan are going to take a taxi back to the city when they look at it.
After the last train transfer is completed, the third line of Baishi also shows completion.
Originally, he had to wait for the police to dismantle the bomb. Unexpectedly, things went smoothly than he thought. The world bomb was really very friendly.
Baishi came to go back with Mao Lilan and others, but when he checked, he found that the mobile phone icon in his backpack was on.
A while ago, he missed a Gin speech, which led to missing the well-paid extra money.
Q assistant’s eyes flooded with tears and pressed the calculator for a while. Baishi said that the wake-up function was added overnight.
If Baishi doesn’t see the glowing cell phone icon in his backpack, there will be a bell to wake up later.
Baishi looked at the mobile phone for a moment and suddenly changed his mind about the car immediately.
"You go back to the city with them first and then go home by bus, or let the doctor pick you up. I still have some things." Baishi looked at Haibara Ai and apologized. "I probably can’t go to Osaka again today."
"No" Haibara Ai is very fond of her. She often says, "Tokyo is like this. I thought about it before I made my schedule."
"…" You Tokyo people’s consciousness is really high.
After traveling together this afternoon, Haibara Ai has wondered how Baishi usually goes out.
But on second thought, since he can make it to this day, he must have his own way to survive.
After figuring this out, Haibara Ai followed Mao Lilan and Suzuki Park. Before she left, she stuffed an alarm into Baishi.
"If you feel uncomfortable, you can ring this, which will make passers-by call the police or call an ambulance for you."
"… thank you" Baishi stretched out his hand and took it.
After sending three people away, Bai Shihua asked assistant Q to scan the mini alarm.
After discovering that this is indeed an ordinary alarm without adding strange functions, Baishi put it in his pocket with confidence.
Then he got out of the car and found a place where no one was there. He took out his mask and called back the organization’s special cell phone.
I didn’t get it. It was an Anshitong calling.
Yuan Baishi wants to inform the Mu Mu Police Department of the location of the explosion he overheard just now.
But when he saw it, he suddenly found that An Tong could also send a show.
The bomber made the scene so big that many people were too difficult to make mistakes on their own.
It is necessary to fool the success rate … Well, it is necessary to unite all the forces that can be United to trick them into working for Tong.
Detectives and criminal police don’t have to say they have to, and they are already working hard.
Although it is not easy to find public security workers, most of them are high-sounding workers who safeguard the state system, prevent terrorist attacks, catch spies, monitor and arrest members of secret organizations.
The explosion was quite large, barely within their responsibility.
Moreover, even if you can’t get into the room, the red police officer, who is unique in the world, can’t turn a blind eye to the explosion. He will try his best to prevent the tragedy from happening
Anyway, what did An Shitou want with him? It’s not long before a …
The call will be connected soon.
An Shitou made a few casual summaries of a time and then said, "I saw you in Jinchuan Greenland Park in the afternoon."
This sentence sounds as if Baishi was polite in the middle and didn’t want to wait for the follow-up
However, an Shi-tou was silent for a moment, and suddenly a park phrase appeared, "The day before yesterday, the Toyo powder magazine was robbed, and I found out that the robber turned out to be alone."
“?” Baishi gradually recognized that the voice was wrong and felt that there was a pot forming overhead.
Silence for a moment through the mobile phone. An Shitou never heard his voice. Speak first.

But the battlefield factory like the rig floor factory is not at the same level as the war giant dog. Those explosions and explosions only blackened the shell of the battlefield factory without leaving a pit.

However, the war dogs refused to shrink back and formed a tight formation to aim at the tower and bomb it desperately.
"Give me a rush!" As soon as the lever shaft was ordered, the tower of the rig factory was withdrawn, regardless of the war, and the giant dog formation rushed over.
"Boom" collided with more than a dozen war dogs at a time and turned them into scrap iron, while the rig floor factory was like a sharp cone stuck to the magic vine manor.
The magic vine manor is made by gathering rubble and condensing it. If the other side comes so directly, even the whole magic vine manor will fall apart.
He gritted his teeth and reached out to his chest, holding the heart of the manor, "Green rattan heart", and roared, "Magic rattan meets the enemy!"
The rattan that gathered in one second and connected the whole manor struggled and twitched, pulled out from the ground and pulled it like a whip to the rig factory in the sky!
Chapter 117 Wounds of magic rattan
In the era of exile, the gravel in the gravel world fluctuated like ice and collided with each other.
Suddenly, a huge sharp cone emerged from the rubble, and its shell was covered with scars. Several prominent surface towers were even broken and embarrassed.
After leaving the gravel industry, the rig factory left the gravel industry in a hurry without even stopping for a second.
In the rig floor factory, the lever shaft and the golden hammer are in a rage.
"Bastard didn’t expect this to be so hard! Fight with us like this! "
"It’s just a nameless manor owner who has such fighting power!"
"It’s a pity that he is locked in a deep sleep or he must look good!"
"Bastard must kill him every time!"
The two men were hurrying away from each other as if they were afraid of being chased by each other.
After several days of fighting, the rig floor factory and Magic Vine Manor finally lost both sides, and the rig floor factory paid a heavy price for underestimating its own enemy.
As soon as the drill floor factory was far away from the gravel industry, a piece of white clouds flew over and plunged into the gravel industry.
When Zhuang was not far away, he also set up a contact here. When Zhuang was not far away, he learned that the rig factory had invaded the magic vine manor and immediately rushed over as quickly as possible.
However, the era of exile is so big that the manor clause has flown for several days and finally arrived at this time.
Not far through the heavy boulder manor, I finally saw the magic vine manor in front.
At that moment, Zhuang was not far away, and I could hardly believe my eyes.
Near the magic vine manor is a field of magic vine manor. The giant dogs have been tirelessly searching and gathering the nearby rubble. This is another kind of "reclaiming land from the sea"
Only now has the scale of Magic Vine Manor.
But at this time, this field has been completely filled with rubble.
Come and gather together and stretch out the magic vine manor.
Zhuang saw the magic vine manor for the first time not far away.
If Zhuang is not far from "I am the manor, the manor is me", then the magic vine manor is really "rattan is the manor, and the manor is the vine"
It’s a huge rattan core that contracts and relaxes like a heart.
Stretch out a few vines and hold the surrounding rocks tightly. In fact, it is not only to gather more stones, but also to protect its fragile core.
But at this time, there is also a huge wound in its core, and with the continuous contraction, green juice oozes out.
The core of the manor is so miserable, not to mention other places
Although the whole manor is a magic vine, it is built outside the magic vine. The gravel magic vine is the skeleton of the manor, but the gravel outside is the flesh of the manor.
At this time, the bones are exposed, and the manor buildings and residents are there?
At this time, a front leg was broken and a big hole was broken laterally. The war giant dog was wandering in the rubble, and several faces with bloody guards were screaming, "Hello? Is there anyone else? Somebody answer me! Give me a message! "
A wailing voice echoed in the lonely and messy rubble, but no one answered.
When the war dog found the arrival of Yunxing Palace, the guard of the war dog looked up blankly.
There is no joy in the eyes. It is a hole and a loss
A few days ago, the magic vine manor was lush and like a fairyland.
But a few days later, the magic vine manor was in ruins, and the casualties were high.
"Help people!" Not far from Zhuang, he hurriedly waved his hand and immediately the giant dog of war and the four-winged chicken knight flew out of Zhuang and asked the guard, "Where’s your brother?" Where is my brother? "
The guard realized who he was.
"Our manor owner is recovering …"
"What? Brother Miao is hurt? Where is it? Where is it? "
Not far from getting the answer, hou zhuang greeted Uncle Yiling and flew away.
They nest also helped the wounded in the manor.

Suddenly bright!

A brand-new and complete method appeared on the screen, and the five characters of "Seven Xuangong" flickered.
Silver practice …
"Boom …"
Zhou Jia’s body hangs from his neck and leans back to the abode of fairies and immortals. The strong source force seems to be rapidly coming towards him by some kind of traction.
His body is like a black hole, devouring the surrounding source force crazily.
This devouring power has broken through the limitation of the abode of fairies and immortals, expanding outward at an amazing speed and blinking over the whole Thousand Birds Peak.
Exhausted the source, swarmed to Zhou Jia.
It’s a moment
The turmoil will come to an end.
However, such violent fluctuations in source power naturally attracted many people to be indecisive.
"What’s the matter?"
"What happened just now!"
A lot of clutter came from all over Thousand Birds Peak, and many people walked out of the abode of fairies and immortals and looked around, even several masters who were sitting here were disturbed.
"What’s the matter?"
"It should be that the array method is abnormal, but it has been restored."
"Thousand Birds Peak Array has not been overhauled for thousands of years, and it is time to check it. There should be no other problems."
"Yes, yes"
After the inspection, it is confirmed that there is a problem, and the fluctuation just now is too rapid and violent, and the root cause is also traced.
Eventually, it won’t.
abode of fairies and immortals
The source force of Zhou Jia’s cross-legged sitting body runs orderly
With the operation of the achievement method, four fuzzy virtual shadows in the depths of the sea slowly emerge from the virtual and melt into the flesh one after another.
They are’ spirit’
Swallow thieves!
Dead dog!
Remove filth!
Smelly lungs!
Four spirits in all.
Swallow the thief to control the deficiency and evil thief wind. This spirit will not produce poison when it enters the body. It will increase the body source and prolong life by one armor.
The owner of the corpse dog feels that this spirit has an Oracle, and the cicada feels that it can be sensitive to murder and prolong its life.
Eliminating filth and controlling filth can greatly increase the recovery of essence, qi and spirit, increase explosive power and prolong life by one nail.
Smelly lungs dominate the breath for a long time … which can prolong life for a hundred years!
Four’ o into Zhou Jia instantly more than two hundred years Shou Yuan!
"Shout …"
Open your eyes and spit out turbid gas lightly.

Some fairy herbs and plants once appeared in a certain era, but now they are extinct. I didn’t expect to see them again in the treasure tower!

Chapter two hundred and nine Relic
"Nine Dragon Lotus!"
Sumo Treasure Tower stopped in front of a treasure chest at the end of the second floor and looked at a lotus flower in the treasure chest.
Even his violet veins are stirring.
When he was in the warring States period, Linglong Xianwang told him about this lotus.
Nine-day dragon lotus is a lotus growing in the nine-day era. According to many ancient books, the nine-day era may be the oldest era ever.
It was Xuan Nv the Great who created The Sorcery for nine days.
At the beginning, the exquisite fairy king, Xuan Nv the Great, had seen the story of Nine Dragon Lotus for nine days.
I don’t know how many eras and billions of years have passed since the nine-day era. All living things in that era have already died in several eras, leaving few traces.
I didn’t expect to see a relatively complete nine dragon lotus on the second floor of the Treasure Tower!
Although this plant has withered, it is definitely a great supplement to violet.
It is said that when the dragon lotus blooms for nine days, a dragon will be born in the center of the lotus!
Su Mo’s eyes fell on the treasure chest to exchange points for meritorious military service.
Two thousand points!
This nine-day dragon lotus is one of the most precious and rare treasures in the second floor of the treasure tower!
Su Mo thoughtfully for a little without immediate exchange, but continued to go towards the third floor of the Treasure Tower.
The third layer of treasures still covers a wide range, whether it is a panacea or a natural treasure.
Moreover, Sumo, the third floor of the Treasure Pagoda, saw more spiritual objects that had been extinct in the past era!
There is a plant growing in Jiuyou Era, Jiuyou Orchid is still alive!
Of course, this precious vegetation needs a lot of meritorious military service points.
All the people in the sword world went all the way, and from time to time the crowd gave out a burst of wonder.
Many of them came to the third floor of the Treasure Pagoda for the first time.
There are many treasures that even Lu Yun and Yu Lan have never heard of!
Su Mo walked all the way, looking at the rare treasures one by one.
It is no exaggeration to say that all the treasures in it are precious, and some of them make him feel a thrill!
But so far, he has not found what he needs most.
After practicing to the true state, the most important thing for monks, besides Yuan Lingshi, is to understand heaven and earth and realize Taoism.
Many true spirits often have enough resources to practice, and the true elements have already accumulated to the top, but the dharma can get stuck in the bottleneck when they understand the mystery of the realm.
In particular, the two realms behind the real realm, the ghost cave deficiency, have particularly high requirements for the monk’s enlightenment!
So far, Su Mo has mastered two kinds of magical powers, the immortal sword and the tooth magical power.
But in fact, he still has several magical powers that have been cultivated to the quasi-magical level.
Some magical powers, such as The six great divisions in the wheel of karma in a flash, including four arms, have a great chance of understanding his talent and getting opportunities and accumulating precipitation over time
However, some magical powers even have some teachings, and he will never be able to do so.
Including three secret methods in the forbidden secret book "Prajna Nirvana Sutra", so far he is also understanding the one of "all kinds of behaviors"
There are still two methods behind, I am nirvana and silence, and he finally realizes the method.
And if we can comprehend Buddhism to the extreme, we can raise the buddhas and dragons to the level of magical power by integrating the secret methods of the dragon clan!
Every understanding of a magical power will produce a qualitative leap and ascension for monks!
When you understand the avatar, God will come to baptize and refine the flesh, blood and yuan God, so that monks can be reborn.
At the same time, after understanding a magical power, Daofa will become stronger and stronger when it is integrated into Daoguo.
The stronger the fruit, the stronger the cave will be in the future!
Su Mo searched while watching.
Finally, he shone at the moment and walked a few steps to a treasure chest.
There is a baby fist-sized stone in this treasure chest, which is golden and round, glittering and translucent, without any impurities, emitting a faint golden light.
Lohan relic!
And it’s arhat relic!
The Buddhist monk Zhen Yijing called Luohan Daoguo a relic.
For Sumo, the most direct way to continue to understand Buddhism and Taoism is to find a arhat relic.
It is only by observing the relics that we can realize the mutual confirmation of what we have learned in Buddhism and Taoism.
Among all arhat relics, arhat relic doubt is the most precious one!
Because there must be a magical power in the arhat relic!
If it is a Buddhist avatar, the Buddha and the dragon elephant will help Su Mo the most.
"Lohan relic"
Just then Lu Yun came over and saw this relic whispering.
Sumo didn’t hesitate to put the Mukden token in the treasure chest groove, and it took a full 3,000 points to exchange this arhat relic.

At most, there is such a vague statement as’ when is Walsh closest to Mars mythology and when is it farthest’.

There are also some materials that can see Walsh’s’ orbit’ around the star and the distance from the star, but they are not accurate. In fact, more detailed information about Walsh has not been retained. These are just’ general introductions’
Suolin decided to send out some arms to check and see near the stars.
Because of reading these materials, Lin also sent a pompom back to the leader, who treated the pompom as warmly as before and thanked the pompom for taking their team to the abandoned town, because the former captain had informed it about the situation, which made the leader very happy.
Because of this, they can get a lot of houses and resources for nothing.
Of course, it didn’t say it directly.
At the same time, it is not worried about the rock skin, because it has heard that it is a group of crawling creatures living in caves.
The leader said that their ancestor Ershi wiped out many such creatures, but the captain obviously didn’t tell him the details. For example, the residents of that desert town were wiped out by rock skin.
Lin and the leader are mainly talking about Walsh. The leader said something that made Lin feel interested, that is, Walsh has a satellite called Mu.
"Where did that satellite go?" When the fluffy ball asked the leader this question, it indicated that the satellite was also missing.
Just like Walsh.
But compared with Walsh, no one paid attention to the satellite. It was discovered during the exploration … that satellite was no longer in its original position.
But it may not disappear like Walsh, but it may float somewhere.
Lynn thinks we should investigate it, because it is unlikely that the star bus will move another roller away, which will take a lot of energy.
The star bus is where its own energy is hidden. It is already difficult to move its own energy, and it is unlikely to move another one.
After this, Lin also decided to tell the leader something about rock skin, because it seemed interesting to see them surprised.
"You … what did you say? How is this possible! " Sure enough, with that, the leader looked hard to believe on top of the world. "We were sent technology specially? To those … cavemen? "
"Yes," said the fluffy ball, "you should also think that it is not a coincidence that so many problems occurred after the initial flight team flew here."
"But even so, it’s impossible …" The leader looked at the velvet lane. "Can you … prove it?"
"There is no evidence," said the fluffy ball, "but you will soon be attacked by’ rock skin’. You must be prepared before."
"… I see. Thank you for telling us this information."
Although the leader said so, his mood is pure disbelief, which is really normal.
They originally hoped that when Walsh disappeared, the leader would think that they could create new articles here, but after being told that they were actually here to’ fertilize’ the rock skin technology, they had an idea in their minds not to believe it.
And the rock skin doesn’t care if they believe it or not.
Lin paid a little attention to a rock skin cave, on the other side of which a large group of rock skin is now surrounding a rock skin.
This rock skin is their’ patriarch’. It is one of the few rock skins with the longest historical memory and the oldest. There may be many young and strong rock skins that can beat it, but rock skins usually choose the most intelligent patriarch.
Qian Lin took the metal ball away, and they looked very flustered, but Lin put it back, so they are now stable and ready for a further plan.
Because they have been exposed to quite a lot of Dorche technology, they decided to plunder more technology.
The patriarch is holding an image panel, which is displaying a map. The map shows the nearby terrain in detail, but the most important thing is that there are many marks on the surface.
Including water source marks, some suitable living areas and so on, while the chief of the clan mainly notes the area group marks.
The map has the location of various groups of residents in Mars mythology. The patriarch pointed to these marks and made a special sound to’ describe’ the surrounding rock skin
This language is a "new language" of rock skin, which seems to be different from the Walsh language, and it was developed during their residence here.
However, these languages are not complicated and can describe simple words, but they are enough for the patriarch to make it come up with plans.
The patriarch looked at the panel map carefully and then it put its finger on a point and said, "hmm!" "
"Oh, oh, oh, oh!" The rock skins suddenly burst into cheers, and their group boiled. Some rock skins took out weapons from residents and shot at the ceiling.
The bullet ejected from the top of the cave and hit another rock skin, but no rock skin was injured.

Look at the sword behind him.

You’re … What aren’t charmed?
In this regard, Xiaojian slowly inserted two grass swords back to the top.
Jianhao’s heart … No woman!
Women will affect my sword drawing speed.
The woman in my heart draws a sword and is a natural god!
Hear Xiao Jian answer rose fairy unwilling and angry in a coma.
Damn it …
Chapter 369 Hell three-headed dog
Looking at his main pet beast, a poisonous rose fairy also lost in the hands of Xiaojian.
Xia Fa and Meng Popo’s face gradually became gloomy.
Both of these battles were won by Lu Yuan’s way of defeating the strong.
This is for the arrogant Xia Fa.
Yes, law acceptance
Because going to war is her way of defeating the opponent by defeating the strong.
Now the two cities are connected by others in this way.
This made her suddenly a little embarrassed.
It is absolutely impossible for haughty Xiafa to admit that he is inferior to Liu Yuan.
Xia Farmer didn’t take back his poisonous rose fairy.
Directly released his last pet beast.
Accompanied by a loud howl
A canine pet beast with three heads appeared in front of everyone.
For this pet beast in front of me
Liu yuan is very consternation.
Because it looks very similar to the three-headed dog in hell
Or this guy in front of me is a three-headed dog in hell!
[Hell Three-headed Dog]
【 Attribute Fire, Earth and Dark 】
"Grade Gold Five Stars"
Stand upright, six or seven meters high, hell three-headed dog
Walk slowly into the field with proud steps.
With the appearance of the three-headed dog in hell
There was a strong smell of sulfur in the air.
Not only that, hell, where the three-headed dog walked
But also directly left a similar magma trace.
Looking at the head before ferocious pet beast.
Lu Yuan knows that if it is a small light.
There should be no way to defeat this formidable enemy.
This is not that Lu Yuan looks down on Xiaoguang.
But there is a huge grade gap between Xiaoguang and the three-headed dog in hell in front of him
If Xiaoguang can break through to that gold level.
Lu Yuan may release it in this battle.
But although not let Xiaoguang participate in this battle.
But it’s ok to let it have a look.
Think of this Liu Yuan side lit up two royal beast light.
A toad in a ninja and a squirrel in a yellow suit appeared in front of everyone.
Tam and Xiaoguang first took a look at Liu Yuan after they appeared.
Then I was attracted by this ferocious three-headed dog in hell.
Feel the amazing breath of this strong enemy in front of you
Small light body consciousness shake a shake.
I lost it!
Master, you don’t want me to deal with this horrible guy, do you?
I can’t do this!
See little light this appearance Liu Yuan didn’t good the spirit white his one eye.
"Don’t worry about it, it’s not you."
Xiao Guangda was relieved to hear this.
This worthless appearance suddenly made Liu Yuanyuan speak.
Although I didn’t really want you to play.
But your timid attitude before the war
It still annoys me. You’re fighting! ! !
Little light is careless about this.
Fighting spirit? I call this … A wise man knows the times!

Said the old man unexpectedly jilted to jilt long hair to reveal a very charming posture.

Li Xuandao nai wry smile it seems that he guessed right, when the old man was sealed here, it was too long and it was a bit abnormal.
"Then I don’t know what to call you?" Li Xuandao a full face of wonder way
"I am handsome and charming. Of course you should call me handsome."
The old man shook his long hair smartly and saw Li Xuandao with a contemptuous expression. "What’s the matter? Do you have any opinions?"
"No, of course, not as handsome as you. It is a matter of course to be called a handsome boy." Li Xuandao waved his hand again and again
Are you kidding? I’m a normal person. How can I argue with a crazy person?
But also unfathomable strength crazy.
"That’s right."
The old man nodded with satisfaction, and with a smile on his mouth, "But you are small and good. Although you are not as handsome as me, you are white and tender, and your strength is not bad when you come to fight with the little black turtle with small white bones."
Li Xuandao speaks for a while.
The old man actually called Xuanwu, the fierce and powerful beast, the black shadow, the monty and the ancient god of famine, a junior with great strength, but he had never heard of the name Lin Zhentian for thousands of years. "I wonder how long you have been here, this handsome guy?"
"Ten years? A hundred years? "
The old man bowed his head and thought hard until Li Xuandao was impatient. He suddenly raised his head and said excitedly, "I remember that I have been sealed here for 70 thousand years!"
"How much?"
Li Xuandao shocked and looked at Lin Zhentian from ear to ear.
Seventy thousand years!
How is that possible?
You know, even Du Jie’s top practitioners have Wan Shou Yuan.
Although the old man’s strength has reached the sky, he has not yet emerged. He is a mortal practitioner. How can he live for such a long time?
"Smelly boy, do you think I can’t live this long when I lie?"
As if I had seen through Li Xuandao’s mind, Lin Zhentian smiled strangely and spit out a green grass like a treasure. "Ha ha ha, it’s time to witness the trace. Open your eyes and see what this is?"
Li Xuandao stared at the wind dancing in the grass and wondered.
This grass looks very ordinary and has no spiritual power, and it can’t find a special place except for its strong vitality
However, the great ancestor dragon suddenly roared with excitement, "Evergreen grass! I depend on this. Tianbao claims to be immortal and grow grass. Who the hell is this old man? How can he have such a fate? "
"Evergreen grass?" Li Xuandao face slightly changed heart crazy vibration.
I heard that at the beginning of the birth of the universe, forty-nine pieces of evergreen grass were discovered, which was extremely powerful. One is to wear evergreen grass, so that heaven and earth can live forever.
Li Xuandao, this is what God said, but he never thought that this kind of thing would be true and in front of himself.
"Yes, it’s evergreen grass."
Lin Zhentian opened his mouth and swallowed the evergreen grass again, then said unfathomably, "It is because of the evergreen grass that I can stay here for such a long time, otherwise I am afraid I would be dead if I were someone else."
Hearing this, Li Xuandao’s heart was even more shocked
In 70,000 years, this old man should be a great power in the ancient times, and the other party can also have the magic weapon of eternal grass. In 70,000 years, he still retains his great strength, which is definitely a great power.
However, Lin Zhentian seemed not to see Li Xuandao’s eye alert and threw herself in front of a boulder and sat down. "Come on, let you hurry up and tell me something about this. Seventy thousand years have passed. What happened to Xuan Huang Dalu now?" Did Dust Emperor elope with Xiaoyue Yue? Not recently. There is no famous beauty. And did that guy Daoyi break through the mysterious realm of life? "
Li Xuandao’s eyes are confused. He doesn’t know who the dust emperor and Xiaoyue are, and he doesn’t know what the beauty of heaven is. But as soon as he starts, his mind can’t help but see the tragic figure who is angry at the immortal Terran.
"Dao is dead" Li Xuandao suddenly interrupted Lin Zhentian’s nagging questioning.
Lin Zhentian just didn’t expect to find out these ancient news from Li Xuandaokou. The 19th floor of hell was too long to hold back, and he wanted to find someone to talk to and vent.
However, after he heard Li Xuandao clearly, the sound stopped abruptly.
Lin Zhentian stared at you and couldn’t believe it. "What did you say?"
"I said I was dead." Li Xuandao slowly raised his head with a serious expression and a questioning tone.
"How is that possible?"
Lin Zhentian suddenly smiled and his eyes were full of unbelief. "How could that guy die when he was so horrible?" Son of a bitch, are you kidding me? Don’t be my old man … "
"Daoyi really died and was killed by the dragon!"
Chapter 952 O blood all things!
Chapter 952 O blood all things!
Anger suddenly quieted down.
Li Xuandao seriously looked at a full face of sadness, and Lin Zhentian saw that the other person’s expression was not fake and could not help but be horrified.
This old son must know Daoyi and be very knowledgeable.
This shows that this old man is no ordinary person.
He tried to ask whether the ancestor of Honghuang had heard of Lin Zhentian’s name in ancient times, but the ancestor of Honghuang shook his head and said that he didn’t know this person.
"Who is the dragon?" Suddenly Lin Zhentian suddenly raised his head and his eyes burst into terrifying cold light.
Li Xuandao unexpectedly dare not look at each other and bow their heads. "The sunrise dragon is …"
Speaking of which, he couldn’t help but smile.
Although Li Xuandao returned to the ancient times through the Dragon Gate of the Universe, he once saw the sunrise dragon man, but today he doesn’t know the origin of the sunrise dragon.
"I don’t know how to shape it, but according to the dialogue between the sunrise dragon and Daoyi, the sunrise dragon should not be a creature in the world of Xuanhuang." Li Xuandao pondered and expounded his views
"It’s not a creature in the world of Xuan and Huang?"
Lin Zhentian suddenly frowned and said, "So … this sunrise dragon comes from his world?"
"It should be like this."
Li Xuandao recalled the original scene: "The sunrise dragon once said that Daoyi was invited to take charge of the list of gods to help him manage the whole world, but Daoyi said that the world of Xuan and Huang was a human world and foreign people would never be allowed to trample on it. Unfortunately, Daoyi was defeated and eventually died."
Hearing this, Lin Zhentian’s face was sad.
"Good Dao deserves to be the guardian of the world of Xuan and Huang."
Lin Zhentian suddenly sighed, "I didn’t expect a farewell to become a farewell at the beginning. I thought I would go back and find a way to settle accounts with the old man after I got out of the 19th floor of hell. I didn’t expect that …"
Said Lin Zhen auditions gradually quiet.
Li Xuandao opened his mouth and couldn’t make a sound.
In this case, he wanted to ask something, but when he looked at Lin Zhentian with a sad expression on his face, he couldn’t say anything.
"By the way, smelly boy, how do you know Daoyi?"
Lin Zhentian suddenly raised his head, his face was sad and his eyes were in high spirits. "And your demon blood has disappeared?"
"fiend blood?"
This round was a surprise to Li Xuandao.
He scratched his head suspiciously and admitted, "Ringo, I don’t know Daoyi, but I once dreamed of witnessing the battle with the sunrise dragon in the corridor and learned Daoyi fencing."
"Heavenly fencing?"
Lin Zhentian looked at Li Xuandao with an incredible expression. "Did you learn fencing? No way, that’s a magical power at the bottom of the box. Since Daoyi still lost to the sunrise dragon when he performed his heavenly swordsmanship, it seems that the strength of the sunrise dragon is not unusual, but how can you learn this contour swordsmanship? "
Li Xuandao smiled and gave off a sharp breath.
The 19th floor of hell, although he can’t display the heavenly swordsmanship, it is more than enough to send out the heavenly swordsmanship breath.

Mobile phones can still run this salvation game.

You asked him how to start it?
He wanted to start, so the game started.
This is an idealistic game
Come to this conclusion, Fang You immediately turned out the old mobile phone that was eliminated a few years ago.
Often stuck
But it’s no problem to hang up and run this game. It won’t crowd his mobile phone to read novels and play games
Are you polite? )
"Sure enough, there is no trace of stagnation in running this game with a broken mobile phone."
"This is the high efficiency of old things."
Fang you enters the game.
The game seems to have undergone a big update after the black knife killed the evil spirits, and the information is very large.
First, he dug out the diary and browsed the previous information.
"Destiny point+2! 」
He remembers that fate point and fate extraction are the most important resources in the whole game, which may be krypton point in normal games.
Unfortunately, this game can’t krypton gold.
The number of times he can extract the remaining destiny point "2" before typing the column of destiny extraction.
"Show that your balance is insufficient"
"Consume Destiny Points to Buy Destiny Ten consecutive draws" 3 "for the first purchase," 9 "for the second purchase," 27 "for the third purchase and the fourth purchase …"
"As the number of extractions increases, the probability of getting high-order objects from the long river of fate or the fate apostles concluding contracts will continue to rise."
The only way to win the second place and the third place is to draw more destiny apostles.
This game doesn’t seem to have a setting for giving away apostles.
….. besides, there is no card.
"Black knife is guaranteed, and I don’t know if I can draw out the apostles of fate for the second time. According to the usual game probability and my non-Emirates degree, it seems that it may be a bit hanging? "
"Will this second Apostle of Fate be a macho man or a little sister … I hope to have a good-looking little sister … well, of course, it must be strong enough first."
If you choose between a weak young lady and a strong macho man who can give people a sense of security, I guess you will choose a macho man after a while of hesitation.
Ann is not poor.
There are two items in front of the’ Destiny Extraction’ option:’ Apostle List’ and’ Things List’.
But now there is a fourth item-‘dispatch’
"Dispatching this function can detect treachery in a certain range. By sending apostles to kill treachery and eliminate harm, you can get rewards such as fate points and basic props."
"The module comes with a’ trick picture book’, and the completeness of the trick information has been entered into the’ knock boy’ at present, with 33%."
The picture book has a dark outline.
Tall, strong legs, three claws
But besides, I can’t see that there is another sentence that says, "They like to hit the door panels and be evil. Maybe there is something serious wrong with them."
The whole riddle man
"It may be because the black knife can’t see the knocker that the image can’t be entered."
"Invisible but able to kill the black knife with one knife … two knives is really fierce."
"This picture book is nothing now, but if there are more apostles in the post-organization, and there are more tricks in the picture book, it should be able to play a good role."
Wish you have a bright and prosperous future!
But now Fang You has crossed the picture book.
The dispatch module has two branches, namely, the "false evil map" and the "dispatch map".
He made a map.
Some of them look like the black knife was delivered yesterday, but the map scope appears this time. It is more about … more than half of the southern part of Baijiang City.
His home is in the south of the city.
The circular map detection light turns quickly, which means that red cursors are springing up like mushrooms after rain when evil can be dispatched.
Fang You is stuck!
Have a stiff face
Sophisticated evil means income, and he should be happy, but what is cool in his heart?
Bai Jiangcheng is a small town, so it is not big, and the old city south of the city is even smaller.
However, it is such a small area that there are as many as eleven mysterious places.
Also let not let life live!
Is this world so dangerous?

The Earl of hilfing is making up the scene of the killing of the star of the gods, planning to explore the secrets of the star of the gods, and the pace of things is getting faster and faster

But in the process of shuttling through the void, he suddenly felt as if there was a barrier like a heaven in front, and the majestic trend seemed to be facing an insurmountable wall.
He stopped and frowned at the dark star field ahead, and his eyes locked on a figure.
Someone stopped his step, I don’t know if it was deliberate, but the other side seemed to provoke all living things.
The stars moved, and the light of a star shone through to illuminate the figure.
It was a woman in purple clothes embroidered with black and gold lines, and she looked at herself quietly.
"Did you … arrest my brother?"
Count hilfing was puzzled by the words spoken by women.
Brother? What do you mean? I’ve killed a lot since arrival, and I haven’t deliberately arrested anyone.
"Catch people? I’m not interested in killing too many people at this time. Who knows your brother missed? "
Count hilfing said coldly about what this woman means, but if he dares to block his way and still shows some hostility, then he must let the other party know that the owner of this world has changed now.
He can perceive the other person’s energy level and himself, but he is a rare opponent in the abyss who fights more than 600 thousand old nobles in the same environment.
Besides, he also heard adults say that the outside world is already in the end of the French era, and the gods have been cut off and barely cultivated to this realm. How strong can human beings be?
Yes, it’s a woman and a powerful woman. It seems that he can have some foreplay before going to the star of the gods.
"Oh, then I understand that you killed my brother."
A woman walks quietly in a faint way without vision.
"Let me confirm again. Have you seen her?"
A woman evolved into a female figure, dressed in black, exercising, tall and heroic in her brow.
"Yes, you’ve killed me. I’ll send you to see her."
Count hilfing laughed cruelly, and blood can spread among many stars, and blood can transform deficiency.
He doesn’t remember any young woman in black, and the weak can’t get into his eyes. Kaman said that negotiations have been held. Anyway, Kaman will not die for a while, so it is better to say that Kaman is dead.
Let him have fun for a while. Nowadays, women with such a strong environment in heaven and earth are rare for good food.
The woman said lightly that her mood didn’t fluctuate too much. "Then I’ll send you to see her."
The voice fell for a moment, and the black and red almost condensed into a substance. The thick ShaQi star spread like an explosion, and the blood that the Earl of hilfing also spread and ravaged was given.
Count hilfing was amazed that his blood could be suppressed by that shaqi, and he shrank backwards and trembled as if the core in his soul was shaking unconsciously
Every step a woman takes forward, her body is getting stronger and stronger. It’s like stepping on a soul node, and the momentum is rising. It’s hard to imagine that this is a final realm. The monks in the seventh realm can emit gas fields.
Count hilfing doubted for a moment that he was seeing the Marquis. How is that possible? ? How can there be such a powerful human being in this era! ?
Is she ahead of me? ?
No, from the energy level, we should be the same. She is very angry and looks like a bluff.
"Arrogance knows human beings!"
Count hilfing sneered that blood could surge, and a hammer appeared, waving the whole star in his hand and crushing it to take a woman’s chest.
A bully fist blows up the Milky Way, and the woman breathes and breathes, and the Milky Way dies and lights up again.
Count hilfing’s vision seems to see the birth and fall of the immortals in the universe, and the wailing of the immortals when they were slaughtered is chilling and eroding his abyss and battle-hardened soul.
He felt out of control and his vision became a little trance. Did I hit him? What did that woman do?
The star’s domineering spirit of killing immortals has spread well, and there is no life in the nearby star fields, otherwise it will be a great catastrophe.
At the center of the shock wave, the woman with purple clothes and black stripes stands upright, and the virtual image is that there is no way to invade her skirts. In the spiritual storm, she gently swings her right hand and raises her fingers slightly. It is red hair.
She raised her hand and looked down at her head. "I ask again, have you seen my brother?"
Count hilfing finally came to his senses, and his soul trembled with fear, and the strong Shaqi penetrated his soul like a needle.

In fact, some people are reluctant to give up on cloudy days.

He’s a hell master, but he’s really very stable, although he still has an honour person in his head.
Everything needs to be carried out according to the fixed rules of the small universe of reincarnation, which is very carefree
Moreover, the quality of other ministers is due to the strength of the venerable.
But honour person also dare not too much.
Because the cloudy day really depends on the will of reincarnation of the small universe
But if we step out of the venerable one, everything will be renewed, and everything is unknown.
But the problem is that if you don’t take that step, according to the venerable master, all this needs to be faced on a cloudy day.
Chu Ling, Heiyang, and Yuan, don’t say it’s a department, but they all deal with it on a cloudy day.
Without the protection of the venerable master, the cloudy extinction period will not be far away.
"venerable sir, the number of ghost troops killed in wartime is not too much, and the number of recycled forces here is not enough.
If you want to finish opening the passage, you need a little more time, "said it’s cloudy."
"How long will it take to finish?"
"According to the current situation of ghost army killed, it will take at least half a day to recover the power to finish the opening of that passage," said cloudy day.
"What about Kai Cheng?"
"Three to four hours"
"What about seventy percent?"
"Two to three hours"
"What about sixty percent?"
"Sixty percent will take one or two hours," said the cloudy day.
Smell speech to respect the war while frowning 50% rev degree for early spirit, yuan this level didn’t take long to threaten.
Now the problem is that Di Zun doesn’t know how long it will take for Heiyang to suppress his big move before he can come back.
But I really have to wait until Heiyang will suppress the big move, and that’s when he will suffer a big loss.
By …
"Let me know when the 50% recovery power is enough to start the 50% channel". Zunma made a decision and then added, "If we want this small universe to survive, it will be us."
"I will deliberately command to speed up," said the cloudy day.