Three is her estimated limit. If it is really big enough to stop seven people at the same time, the final result may be that none can be stopped.

Most of the power of the instantaneous transformation of the sea of fire has reached the Taoist Bai Lian and the Taoist Bai Yun in Yunling, and at the same time, it is more sharp and hot, as if it burned all the days, and it was a firm but gentle attack.
And a few of them can make trouble as far as possible from Quexian and hold them back as much as possible.
In the distance, "Fang Qingyue" is hidden by the secret method. Looking at a group of fierce fighting masters, I can’t help but turn black into the bottom of the pot.
It is reasonable to say that no one here knows who he is, and he also learned about this place from the letter in Taishi Bozu Palace.
Now, it’s good to see such a big battle. Even though she used to be a dharma body, she has different strengths now, and there is little hope of grabbing things from such a big master.
"There must be people in this abode of fairies and immortals who are conservatively estimated to be nine great masters!"
Think of yourself open fairy should worry about nine grandmaster female couldn’t help but feel depressed. In the final analysis, it’s strange that I didn’t know if I was looking for a door to dream. Now I’m hiding in incubus, the Palace of Hate!
"The fairy couldn’t completely kill you. When the palace recovers, we must find a way to completely end you!"
"Fang Qingyue" or once flashed a trace of hatred in the eyes of the hate palace Lord, then carefully hid it and slowly approached Tianyi Large Array.
She is worried about not entering, but how she can take the Tianyi layman’s collection and leave safely.
A half-crippled fairy also knows a lot about the means of Tianyi laymen, so she soon sneaked into Tianyi large array through the sea of fire while everyone was fighting fiercely.
The movement outside was naturally noticed by the two of them. At last, Mrs. Albizia was banned from saying, "You can still delay for a while from Sister Que, brother, hurry up!"
Two people’s hands dancing in the spirit will soon see the treasure house door Guanghua flash attached to the treasure house as a whole banned completely dissipated.
After entering the treasure house, you will see that there is a Zhang Yu case in the southeast and northwest. After confirming that there is no means of malice, it will be different. See what it is. It seems that the five roads of red, green, yellow, white and black are separated, but they seem to be integrated. Guanghua Qingwei emerges behind them.
There is a heavy and steady meaning in the divine light, and when the artistic conception is manifested, it seems to symbolize the true foundation of all materials.
And seemingly heavy, like a chaotic world, in fact, it runs freely and freely. With a brush of five colors of divine light, you will see a Zhang Yu case, together with things, and the tribe will enter the Qing dynasty.
"Who? !”
Seeing that there was a jade case left in the end, I felt that the five-color divine light slightly deviated from the original goal, and then I saw a colorful Guanghua emerge with the intention of taking the jade case file away.
At the beginning of his magical power, someone came to beat his face, and he couldn’t help secretly choking, but he felt the breath like fairy light, and he soon realized the bearer.
"Fang Qingyue or someone behind him?"
Chapter two hundred and forty-seven From hate the palace Lord
Mrs. Albizia’s eyes are cold, and a hidden fire emerges in her heart, and her hands are immediately caught.
From hating the palace master, I saw that I only let the Qing Wei, the divine light, have a slight offset and still have an extraordinary momentum. I turned towards my worldly desires Baoguang and couldn’t help being one leng.
At this time, Mrs. Albizia’s big hand has already taken the jade case into her hands.
From hating the palace master, he gnashed his teeth secretly, and the divine power of Yuan exuded the splendor of heaven and earth, which instantly filled with a colorful thought that induced people’s desire.
Mrs. Albizia couldn’t help changing her eyes. Anger, sadness, drunkenness and other passions emerged from the bottom of my heart.
As soon as I loosened my hand, I saw another huge palm suddenly appear, and I was about to leave when I held the jade case.
Five-color divine light brush worldly desires Baoguang was shrouded and deliberately broke free, but the subtle refinement is not only the Five Elements Road, but also the understanding of genkai Love Heaven Road is not shallow.
See five-color shekinah towards the collapse of the general moment will be suppressed in worldly desires Bao Guang annihilation!
From the hate palace, the Lord can’t help but feel a little self-absorbed, and he also found the hidden position.
Red, blue, yellow, white and black divine light disintegrates into dense needles and goes towards a corner of the abode of fairies and immortals. At the same time, it is noticed that Mrs. Albizia’s state is clear, her mouth emits a clear drink, and she runs a little too empty and true power to instantly pull Mrs. Albizia out of the sea of physical emotions.
The gorgeous splendor that permeates the abode of fairies and immortals can’t help but make ripples, even if it doesn’t really motivate the emptiness, sincerity and clarity, it will have little effect on this level of avatar.
In the face of the terrible power, the five elements of Yin and Yang, the magnetic extinction, the divine needle, even if the fairy leaves the palace master, it is a little nerve-racking.
The more knowledgeable you are, the more you can realize the horror of this avatar.
In particular, after the official performance of the five-color divine light, several magical powers have also made a little progress.
The colorful brilliance in the eyes flashed away from the hate palace master and was inevitably forced out by Qingwei.
On the other side, Mrs. Albizia’s eyes are cautious. Many people will take away the last Zhang Yu case when they see the bearer, and they will also make moves again.
"What is this road achievement method? It can actually drive me to all kinds of emotions? "
"And the bearer is actually a master of Jing with Qingwei Taoist friends!"
No, Mrs. Lihuazi can sigh that the descendants of the ten continents are emerging one after another, and at the same time she is highly vigilant
Just now, she didn’t look at it for a while and suffered a dark loss. After all, this kind of means has never been seen before. It is not so easy for people who come back to do the same thing again.
With the destruction of a method-level protective treasure in the big five elements, Yin and Yang, Yuan and magnetic extinction, the divine needle left the hate palace master and immediately turned to leave.
"Where is this little Taoist so important?"
The original thought of swallowing the faint yin god’s tonic and leaving the hate palace master completely put out this idea that looks difficult.
Fang Qingyue’s body repair and strength can’t figure out how to protect the magical power even if he has his own strength.
"Death or injury is not ten life and death! Is my fairy yuan god can successfully get away "
After being awakened, Simon hates being on guard, and it is not an easy role to cope with. He has just seen some hope of recovery, and he must not fall short because of greed.
Colorful as if the ocean of lust, the figure of "Fang Qingyue" in Guanghua turned illusory as if it were about to dissipate.
But at this moment, I saw an extraordinary attack from the outside world.

Not long ago, the police were on guard in front of this door, and the violent gangs handled the situation urgently, but now they have become former gatekeepers.

Besides these policemen, there are many men in black suits who stand out in front of the door, even if the wind is raging, they can’t blow away their pride.
This scene of the police and members of the violent group working together is really ridiculous, but no one in Fusang feels inappropriate.
Because now Qianwu is no longer a member of the violent group, but the hero and savior of Fusang Prefecture can enjoy no higher treatment.
But the question is, can their savior save them?
"It’s not that the former Wu Da people don’t want to make moves, but the enemy’s weapons are too dominant. We are still in the former Wu Da character weapons …" A cadre-like violent group member was still at the door to appease the people.
"Please rest assured that the former Wu Da people will not sit idly by, but the former Wu Da people also need to prepare …"
"When will the former Wu Da people be ready?"
"What if I can’t find the right weapon?"
Although the people hope that Qianwu can win, they can’t help but worry.
"Don’t worry, even if you can’t find weapons, Wu Daren will certainly be able to think of other ways …" Violent cadres can explain this.
The people obviously don’t believe it very much.
Looking at these people, the cadres are very resistant.
I finally changed from a violent group member to a hero who is respected by everyone, but how many days can this hero be?
Either the former Wu Da people are dying or the Lu Chen in Fusang State will perish.
What kind of hero is fuso without fuso state?
Just then there was a commotion and a news went crazy among the people.
Nut State invited the gun prophet Olion to have a big battle with the enemy earlier, but he failed in the end and failed to stop Indigo.
Even the gun prophet failed. What should they do?
Can the former Wu Da people be better than the gun prophet?
"Our former Wuda people are the strongest!"
"It must be more powerful than the gun prophet!"
"Yes, we can find weapons …"
At this time, they can comfort themselves so much, because once they lose hope, they will be doomed.
But such self-consolation is so pale.
"The wind is getting bigger and bigger. You’d better go home and stay here …" The cadres tried to calm everyone with the strong wind and wanted to let everyone leave.
Just then, there was a sudden thunder in the sky.
Then a grand polar sound came from the sky
"Give this Excalibur to your former martial arts!"
When they looked up, they saw a golden light and a loud bang!
A big pit was blown up in front of Qianwumen, and a long sword with shining golden light was quietly inserted in the pit.
"What person?"
"Is it a manifestation of the gods?"
"What is this?"
The onlookers were alarmed and surprised.
In the panic of the crowd, Qianwu slowly came out of the courtyard.
The wind howled and his clothes flew about.
He walked step by step into the pit, grabbed the long sword and pulled it out.
In a flash, the wind stopped raining around him, and the clothes were flying like in the water.
Grasping the hilt and waving two forearms, I smiled.
This kind of feeling is completely different from that when Zhuang was not far away.
Even if he is deprived of his identity, the skill of visiting body double privately will not disappear.

Depending on the three different color circles, it almost enveloped the entire densely populated area of Fusang Prefecture, and the third circle completely enveloped the eastern metropolitan area.

Even if the host tried to calm his tone as much as possible, there was still confusion from their voice.
But even so, they must try their best to encourage people to take courage.
"First the tsunami, the rainstorm and then the volcanic eruption ushered in its own dark moment. We can’t help but ask what happened to this world? What must be us? What should be Fusang? But please rest assured that the government has made enough plans and prepared enough food to protect our people from disasters. Days have been given to our former Wu Da people and several international friends are helping us. We will be able to tide over the difficulties with concerted efforts, which makes us hopeful … "
At this time, it was another shaking, and even the TV host was scared to hide on the desktop.
Then they read the manuscript with a pale face. "A colleague near the Immortal Mountain reported that the Immortal Mountain has just cracked a new crater, and now there is magma gushing from the north side of the Immortal Mountain. Our colleagues are trying to collect first-hand information …"
"Is the eruption port on the northeast side?" Nong Hexin was also watching the news. He turned out a map and looked it up. "Where is the immortal mountain …"
"Here" a worker pointed out the location of the immortal mountain.
Just south of the west of Dongdu.
"I’m going to the northeast to spray at us." Nong Hexin stretched out his hand and drew a line on the surface and suddenly shouted, "Sorry, we’re closed! We’re closed! Please don’t line up! "
"Nong zong?" The worker was stunned. "What’s the closing time at noon?"
"Of course, leave quickly!" Agriculture and new way "or stay here to see volcanic ash? When can’t fruit be sold? Come back and sell it when the volcano is finished … "
Then Nong and Xin whispered, "If Fusang Prefecture is still there …"
Sorry, international friends ran this disaster first, so you can carry it yourself!
Chapter 997 The ladder over the wall is still a trick.
The immortal mountain in the middle of Fusang Prefecture is erupting continuously.
A shocking crack never dies. North Shandong cracks to the foothills, and magma flows from the never-ending mountain.
Hot, sticky, rolling magma mixed with black and red creeps slowly like life.
Several geologists are fiddling with a lot of instruments in a car and measuring nervously.
There are also several reporters and a video relay vehicle next to them.
Now the biggest thing for Fusang people is no longer the volcano in the east sea. This volcano is at least tens of kilometers away from the immortal mountain of the ocean. This time bomb is right next to their heads.
A reporter came to several geologists and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Professor Kobayashi, the best volcano expert in Fusang Prefecture and the world. Now Professor Kobayashi is on the spot to investigate the situation. At the first moment, everyone gives an early warning. What is the situation now?"
Professor Xiao Lin frowned and looked up at the camera.
He knew that now the people of Fusang needed a prestige to appease and pacify their anxiety.
But now the situation is really hard to say. He frowned and frowned, and finally decided to explain it from a professional point of view, such as interpretation … Let the media and reporters do it.
"Now you can see that there is a crack in the side of the Immortal Mountain. Except for some volcanic ash ejected during the initial crack, it has calmed down and the magma is flowing gently. This is the so-called fissure eruption, which is the most moderate volcanic eruption method, and it is harmful to the surrounding environment."
The reporter was overjoyed to hear the professor explain this. "Does this mean that the eruption of the immortal mountain is harmful?"
"No … can’t say that …" Professor Kobayashi didn’t know how to explain his frown for a long time. "Can you say that we still have time … but …"
Although it is a mild eruption for the time being, the eruption of the immortal mountain is still a very bad omen. There are many scenic spots and tourist facilities near the immortal mountain. Although there are no tourists at present, some workers are evacuating at this time.
And there are several densely populated counties near the immortal mountain, which have also been mobilized at the moment.
"Professor Kobayashi, how long will it take you to see us professionally?"
The professor frowned. "If this situation remains unchanged, we still have a long time to evacuate, but if there is another big earthquake, I’m afraid …"
Just then the ground suddenly shook, and Professor Kobayashi’s face suddenly changed.
There was a loud crash behind him, and he saw a huge spout suddenly cracked on the side of the immortal mountain, like a fountain flame spouting from the crack, burning like a meteor and stones spouting from the volcano.
"It’s a volcanic bomb!"
"No …"
"Boom!" A camera suddenly fell to the ground. One second, a huge fireball came head-on and there was a loud noise. The picture suddenly turned black.
Not far from the manor, Zhuang is frowning in his room and looking at the information in his hand
Although the volcano in the east of Fusang Prefecture is in a critical situation, it must be noted that there are hammers invading all over the world.
So far, we have found seven teams of Hammer Invaders.
In the face of soaring combat effectiveness, almost all the major States have been beaten, but many effective weapons have been issued to them, and the Nasonia Military Corps has also made great contributions.
Even so, the chicken knights still have to rush around to face the well-trained hammer squad, and the chicken knights are no longer easy to get. Several battles are very dangerous. If you don’t let your trumpet "gun prophet" Olion reinforce you when Zhuang is not far away, there will be casualties.
Not far from Zhuang, I just heard the door being rung when I closed my hand.

Su evil smells light.

Immediately, a single shot and a cold finger suddenly disappeared into Nina’s head, and the ice crystals emerged to seal her charming head and doused her last glimmer of life.
Then look at several people.
"How do you divide things?"
Four people may not kill people like hemp, but everyone’s blood will never be less and they will see more people’s hearts are sinister and the world is cold, so they don’t have so much passion.
And I won’t take it to heart
Xue Xiao’s face remains the same, but his sight seems to fall on Zhou Jia’s hand.
"The landlord just made a sudden move and it seems to be such a thing. It seems to be big for you."
Zhou Jia smiled indifferently.
Source star has been submerged in the sea of knowledge, but the crystallization of bones in his hand is still there. He doesn’t know what it is, but he simply throws it out gently.
"Wrong is something I need."
Xue Xiao eyes micro noncommittally.
A few things are in the middle.
Wearing a strange eagle mask, Zheng Lao was deliberately excluded by the three people because of his excellent lightness skill posture, and each of them examined the things in the field
Thin swords, bone crystals, rings and some sundries.
Needless to say, the rapier is an extremely sharp black iron Xuanbing. Even Zhou Jia, wearing Xuanbing armor, dare not take it lightly.
I think this sword can pose a threat even in the face of the strong in the late black iron period.
Bone crystallization doesn’t know anything, but Su Xie and Xue Xiao’s eyes are swept from time to time, which should be another wonderful thing.
The ring is plain, but it is actually an extremely rare ring. This is a treasure that can only be refined by exorcist, the expert source of Mu World.
Rare, rare and valuable.
Fortunately, it is not difficult to solve the imprisonment of non-point source surgery after the death of the master. It is half a foot square, except for a few sundries in the daughter’s house, which is a thin book.
Although it is not big, it seems to be the most valuable
"This thing belongs to me."
Xue Xiao suddenly stretched out his hand and took it away first, but he didn’t know how to make a bone crystallization.
Sue evil canthus flesh beating seems to be some unwilling, but wanted to think, after all, pressure heart strange look at the ring.
"The ring is mine."
Before his mouth Zheng Lao suddenly inserted a leisurely voice.
"Do you have any opinions?"
"I have no problem" Zhou Jia surrendered.
"I am grateful to the seniors for their bravery."
Things that are a little bigger than half a foot can’t be put naturally and won’t be taken seriously by Zhou Jia, who has dry Kun.
Zheng Lao gave him a confused look, and it was difficult to whisper in his heart.
He was invited by Zhou Jia and didn’t want to help, but he was the landlord of the blood vine building. Maybe he was the landlord of his own blood vine building.
What’s so special?
Sue evil Kouga bite coldly scanning a few people see Xue Xiao didn’t help yourself to speak meaning finally stuffy hum 1.
"The weapon belongs to me"

"From Hate Sutra" was created by the most terrible magic emperor in ancient times, and it was called "From Hate Magic Emperor"!

The magic way says that the emperor is powerful!
I heard that I hated the magic emperor, but I still silently heard that later I suffered a great change, which led to a great change in my temperament. I hated all living things and hated everything in the world!
This strong hatred of the emperor broke out completely, killing immortals and buddhas, killing nine fierce families, and finally creating the shocking ancient "From Hate"
The power of this achievement method, known as the first secret code of the magic door, can be imagined!
Although he hated the magic emperor, he was miserable all his life. Even though the ancient emperor was surrounded by no relatives and no friends.
His ending is also quite sad.
His hatred finally reached its limit, and he hated himself for dying in the end of the ancient war, leaving a regrettable saying.
A generation of magic emperors ended up like this, which made several people sigh.
Yan Beichen went on to say, "From the hate road, Jun Yi broke into a cemetery and got half of the" From the Hate Classic ",which made a name-from hate!"
"His mind is known to all, that is, he wants to inherit everything from the ancient magic emperor and hate the magic emperor!"
It’s a half of "From Hate Sutra", which shows the horror of the enemy in the magic door.
Almost all of these arrogant genies have many chances and adventures to practice this step.
Sumo is not the only one.
Yan Beichen said, "Later, I joined the Shura Sect and got many opportunities such as Dao Huangcheng to realize that the Shura Sutra entered the virtual realm."
"When I fought for the title of Shura, I was still returning to the virtual world and getting away from hate, and I got away with it."
These past events came out calmly from Yan Beichen’s mouth, but Su Mo could feel the war and fierceness of that year in every word!
Su Mo knows Yan Beichen fairly well.
There are two people in Dao Huang’s possession, one is him and the other is Yan Beichen.
Yan Beichen’s talent is by no means weaker than him!
Yan Beichen stepped into the dharma realm and directly condensed out the dharma of up to five feet, so you can know that Yan Beichen is powerful.
But even so, Yan Beichen won half the battle!
Yan Beichen went on to say that "the struggle for shura titles ended and the hatred disappeared, and no one knew where he had gone."
"It was not until more than ten years ago that the appearance of hate made the whole magic door shake!"
Sue ink faint in the heart have a guess light nan way "don’t …"
Yan Beichen nodded and said, "He got the complete" From Hate "!"
From the birth of hate!
This means that a new statue of the demon king will rise with the trend!
"When I came back from hate, it was already a complete method. I pushed the magic door from Shura Zongheng, and the seven patriarchal clan systems were in Tianjiao! The brother of the Magic Sect lost in less than ten strokes! "
"Since then, the brothers of the Magic Gate have been silent to avoid the first knife of being sealed by the Magic Gate without fighting!"
It is not surprising that we can have such power if we inherit the complete "From Hate Classic"
Yan Beichen looked dignified and said, "Don’t say that I am now injured by Yuan Shen, and even if I am in a prosperous state, I am afraid I am not his opponent."
"No one can stop him from returning from hate."
No wonder Yan Beichen said so.
At the beginning, the two men understood half of the book from hate in World War I, and leaving hate was to lose to him.
How terrible will it be to get the complete "From Hate Classic" now?
Sue ink eyes didn’t have any fear.

Surdak found that Newman family members generally don’t hang out in the back garden. Everyone usually spreads either the vestibule garden or the courtyard garden, and the courtyard garden in this castle actually covers an area of about half an acre, which is equivalent to the fourth floor of the castle and is also on the top floor of the building.

When passing an archery driving range, Surdak also saw a group of young Newman nobles competing for archery.
Every young man is very good at archery, rarely much better than him. He can still shoot around the bull’s-eye at 50 meters, but he probably won’t shoot.
"Duck, how are you at archery?" Duke Newman asked curiously.
"Before I became a knight again, I was an infantry soldier in the heavily armored infantry regiment who hardly touched the bow and arrow …"
Surdak truthfully replied.
Further on, there is a practical driving range. There are many young people here, wood blade and Mu Dun. They wear ordinary leather armor and keep sweating and practicing some basic movements.
This Gensoul Ducker has a great feeling that the Newman family has been able to maintain its family glory for so many years and has always grown up some capable family members
Duke Newman was busy and didn’t accompany Surdak for too long, so he calmed down a little. The commander of the marked army, Duke Newman, continued to meet another noble Lord.
Surdak was led by a housekeeper through a long staircase and steps, and finally reached the vestibule garden of the castle.
When Suldak’s magic caravan stopped at the field near the stables, Suldak had been speculating about one thing, that is, whether Duke Newman had to walk so far when he was away from the Duke’s House.
The fountains and statues in the vestibule garden are very beautiful, and there are many green plants in the garden. There are shrubs everywhere, and the walls are higher to block the line of sight, and there are also shorter planning roads.
Just when Surdak was about to walk out of the vestibule garden, he looked up casually and just saw a beautiful picture flash across a small terrace on the high wall of the castle. A glimpse of that beautiful face left a deep impression on Surdak.
Her terrace disappeared as soon as she turned around, so Surdak stopped to look at her eyes and then followed the housekeeper away.
It was not until the magic caravan drove out of the suspension bridge at Duke Newman’s House that Aphrodite emerged from the virtual door and sat gracefully opposite Surdak and said cheerfully to him
"So what kind of face do you like? It’s not difficult for a succubus to change his appearance. Do you think it’s better to change it directly or change it imperceptibly?"
"Now you are beautiful. Everyone is beautiful and unique, and I’m not so superficial. That figure just touched me … I can’t say that she is beautiful, but she just matches a face in my memory a little bit. Her expression and appearance are similar."
Surdak towards Aphrodite explained
This succubus seems to have become a jealous altar after giving birth to Vivian.
"Like who?" Aphrodite asked curiously.
Sophie marceau
Surdak finished this sentence, and his eyes fell out of the window and kept flying backwards. The trees also repeated’ Sophie Marceau when I was young’
Aphrodite’s eyes flowed, and then she sat side by side with Surdak. Surdak had been with Hathaway and Beatrice for several days, and there was little chance to be alone with Aphrodite. At this time, while he was riding alone in the carriage, he was bored for a while.
It’s been more than two years since Count KleCushing moved to Bena.
Life here is dull and orderly.
Bena City is rich in materials. For an earl who comes here to support his old age, it is more enjoyable than Ruite City, but he must have enough money before …
The opera house, the arena and the auction house are all the best in the province.
Surdak, Hathaway and Beatrice visited the city to recuperate the Earl of Clecushing. He looked much older, his face showed more spots and his skin was loose, but his mental state was good.
Earl Clerkusen had a sumptuous dinner in his manor, and accompanied Count Clerkusen to say a lot about Hathaway before Surdak left.
Two days later, Risurdak visited the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dunstan Marquis Chester, and had lunch in Wilkes.
Before his holiday was over, Marquis Lu Se took the Lu Se legion to a plane to participate in the plane war there. It was more than half a month before Master quintus led the vanguard.
Surdak spent a relaxing and comfortable holiday in Bena City.
In this month, he attended many dances with Hathaway and Beatrice, and accepted many invitations from noble lords to take Venter around the scenic spots around Bena. It was like they had another honeymoon.
The only regret of returning home is that I can’t return to Ruite’s home and I haven’t seen the great changes in Mukuso City.
The second time I saw the girl who resembled Sophie Marceau in Newman Castle, it was Marquis Dunstan who gave a dance.
The young girl came from a magical caravan with a group of Newman family young people. Their arrival surrounded many nobles at the dance. These nobles knew them very well.
The ball is a place where nobles contact and communicate with each other. Suldak can quickly and gradually integrate into this circle and get to know almost all the nobles who make good friends with the Lu Se family
Of course, there are also some nobles who want to curry favor with him and follow him to Warsaw for gold, but these nobles are gradually decreasing …
The news that the reinforcements of Handanar City have withdrawn from the battlefield in a mess has been surrounded by small fans in the aristocratic lords circle of Bena City.
This not only let everyone know the cruelty of the battlefield, but also let everyone know the Surdak method. He won’t let people just take a bite of his prey and want to eat meat, but anyone who wants to come can show his strength and …
At one time, the lords who clamored to go to Warsaw with Surdak suddenly disappeared, and everyone stopped this matter and praised Surdak, the commander of the marked army.
Some people even say that the reason why the marked army was able to gain an advantage in Moyunling Highland was that it absorbed the blood of reinforcements from Handanar City.
Of course, the news of the killing of Moyunling Highland on the Warsaw plane by the marked army was also heated in the aristocratic circle.
The nobles at the ball all smiled when they met Surdak, but no one came back to reinforce Moyunling Highland.
But those ladies really want to dance with Surdak or take a walk in the garden. It would be better if we could make an appointment for afternoon tea …
Surdak has always put on a declined gesture.
During the month of vacation, Surdak knew how much trouble women around him had, mainly because they were waist-tied …
I feel that the holy light can’t recover my strength quickly.
Beatrice also wanted a baby, and Surdak worked hard on it the night before Bena.
The next morning, Hathaway and Beatrice took Surdak to the delivery hall in Bena City in a magic caravan, and watched Surdak walk into the delivery hall with tears in his eyes to deliver the door …
Chapter 1573 General assault horn
Walking out of the delivery hall of Ai Walson City, Surdak almost went directly to the square without delay in this city, and the huge delivery door entered the Warsaw plane with the material convoy.
This time, he didn’t wait. Just as several caravans lined up to enter Warsaw to deliver the door, the guard saw that his pass had Bena military seal on it and immediately let him jump in line and walk into the door.
Surdakai Walson City stayed less than an hour and entered Epson City.
It is obvious that it will not be so easy for the young Duke to return to Ai Walson City when he thinks that the Grand Duke Quentin of Walson Province is still under house arrest.
Forces from all sides also carve up the Warsaw plane. The Grand Duke of Walson Province is naturally as far away as possible.
Epson city has now become a huge center of hasty supplies, and the city is full of all kinds of supplies, and many large caravans are congested in the city.

Three acres doesn’t sound real or small. There are still many vegetable fields in Yang Laotou’s yard. His old man’s house also has Gu Zhongdi to help him take care of it when he is not in time.

Hua Zhenxing walked out of the bamboo forest without filling the bamboo basket with bamboo shoots, but he saw Zhu Yujing head on.
Hua Zhenxing stopped and said, "I wish brother didn’t go to the Moon Lake and come to see me again today?"
I wish Yujing the first two steps to worship and salute. "China always wishes someone to be ashamed! I told you about my family yesterday that Chen Fengyan had overstepped the rules and insulted others but didn’t realize the problem. "
Hua Zhen knew that he had come because Pan Cai left yesterday and found Chen Feng to admonish him. Chen Feng turned around and asked Zhu Yujing to tell Pan Cai about their private quarrel.
Zhu Yujing asked what it was. Chen Feng said, "It’s just those words that scold you for being worthless."
Zhu Yujing wondered, "Do I still tell Brother Pan these words? You said them to his face."
Chen feng is also a friar of the five realms. I remember clearly that "what’s the promise of staying here to be a cow and a horse?" Why don’t you go to Brussels and have fun?
I didn’t say these words in front of Pan Cai, but Brother Pan just called me for a lecture … Did you tell him? "
Zhu Yujing was shocked at that time and came to Hua Zhen early this morning.
Hua Zhenxing put away his hoe and said, "It’s really your turn to come to Chen Feng. That’s not for me, but when I quarrel privately, I tell you that she still has Pan Cai’s admonition and someone will admonish you."
What she eats, what she wears, and what she wears, if she doesn’t come by grab and grab, don’t violate the rules of the door and the law abroad, even if I don’t like it, it’s just that I don’t like it.
Whether you like her or not, it’s up to you. If you don’t want to see her, then dissuade her. If you can’t dissuade her, you can either admit it or forget it. It’s up to you.
If Chen Feng bullied or bullied you, he would not sit back and watch, but this is not the case. I can also listen to you talk about it if you find someone to relieve your mood.
Chen Feng, if you know this in private, but you don’t admonish her face to face, you should not be warned not to make a big mistake.
Not only did you not do that, but when you told me about it, you took Chen Feng’s adverbial with a wry smile. You didn’t admonish me in person, but you told me privately that you were up to something. "
Zhuyujing cold sweat came with his head down. "Chen Feng means that I am not outspoken against my classmates. She said that I am used to not joining Yangyuan Valley. That’s it.
And I really didn’t realize that the problem was by no means organic, otherwise I wouldn’t have been so understated in front of you yesterday. I only know what I lost at this moment, so I came to China to guide myself. "
Hua Zhenxing took him up and said, "It’s not a mistake. It’s just a small matter of right and wrong. Maybe you are open-minded but you don’t distinguish it. I have to say that you are worthless!"
As soon as the voice fell, Zhu Yujing heard "Just know and do it!" Suddenly a gust of wind swept around me and looked up again. I don’t know where Hua Zhen is going.
Hua Zhen line at this time a flicker has arrived at the cave gate, and then a flicker is wearing a small bench to go out and fly straight in the direction of Yanyuehu large array, and I don’t know what’s the emergency there.
Chapter 529, exhausted cattle among flowers
There is no signal in Yangyuan Valley, except that some experimental projects in the research institute sometimes need to go to the "human engine" valley, which is also impassable and has no power facilities.
For example, the office building, training department, Dongfushan … There are no lights, refrigerators, washing machines, or even a socket.
If, like Hua Zhen’s trip, he has been able to skillfully charge mobile phones, tablets and notes with his "unarmed" avatar … it’s nothing too big. At most, he can’t brush the information online.
Even so, how many people can practice this magical skill to a level in Yangyuan Valley in Hua Zhen? I want to practice, but I don’t know how many mobile phones I’ve broken. Now I still entrust Dongguo to buy cheap old mobile phones.
The operation of the big shell is always not refined enough, but the "human-driven hair dryer" or "magic-driven hair dryer" has developed several models for him and formed a series of laboratory samples
It is almost isolated and secluded, which is not suitable for the long-term life of most modern people.
Hua Zhenxing wants the instructor who has just broken through the four realms to learn the skill first, that is, refining bright beads? You can’t talk about everything all the time, can you?
There are also some reasons why Hua Zhenxing intends to put the training courses for the third-level students in Bihu in the future, both in the Ministry and abroad.
Even in Yangyuan Valley, the instructors will rotate regularly, not always practicing in this isolated state. They also have various jobs in secular life outside.
People like Mr. Feng can call whether there is a signal here or not, whether there is a word from Hua Zhen’s mobile phone, but most people, including most monks, don’t have this thing
So what should we do if there is an emergency outside? Yangyuan Valley has a "Dashi", that is, the comprehensive scientific research outside the door, and a special audio device.
Bixi is a copy of the hurricane tray to clean the dust, and it is also a copy of the imitation.
There is also such a similar instrument called a circular mirror, which is said to be an imitation of the mysterious light, and the mysterious light is also an artifact pointing to the moon.
There is a wonderful unknown thing about the mysterious light of the moon, but the mysterious light mirror is two sides. It is said that even if Wan Li’s magic inspires one side, you can see the scene taken by the other side.
The round mirror is not as mysterious as the Xuanguang Jian, but one side of Yangyuan Valley is enough, and the other side is placed in the comprehensive scientific research duty room. Both sides of Yangyuan Valley office building are manned 24 hours a day.
These two circular mirrors were taken out by Uncle Mo to build the cave boundary, and at the same time they were arranged. If you want to stimulate it, you must master the "circular optics", and it is not very difficult to repair it.
What urgent news should be notified to Yangyuan Valley when the scientific research team receives it? For example, if there is something urgent to find someone, the staff on duty in the valley will convey it through the circular mirror.
Just now, there was an urgent message from the circular mirror in the office building duty room. The site of Bixi large array in Yanyue Lake was attacked by monster beast. What’s the latest situation?
Hua Zhenxing is the true meaning of raising Yuan Valley Valley Lord. He immediately noticed the urgent news.
He was able to walk through a large array of holes in the hurricane tray and flicker to the door, then flicker and go through the door and fly away.
How can there be a monster beast in the construction site of Yan Yuehu? Hua Zhen was shocked and remembered Rui Shiguo’s encounter with the Snow Wolf and the Lich King.
I’m glad to think that Dahua is really good in the wilderness of Tebang North, and I can’t guarantee that a monster beast doesn’t have this thing. It depends on the chance.
For example, in Yangyuan Valley, Old Man Yang mounts Kirin, which is the head of Huo Jiaguan. Now Yuangu doesn’t support him. I heard that Old Man Yang sent him to Gusu for "further study". If he came back after the repair, he would be a monster beast.
If there are so many mentors on the scene and Sima value, this monk Dacheng should have no problem. If it is like the snow wolf, the demon king will be caught off guard and will cause heavy casualties. Hua Zhenxing is worried.
The large array construction site of the Moon Lake in the distance is a different scene. If you are in it, you will be amazed at the beauty!
There is indeed a monster beast falling from the sky and wrapped in a dark brown barrier. The long horn of the bridge of the nose gives off a pale golden light, and a sharp shock wave falls from the middle.
At that time, all the instructors and students gathered in a place not far from the pivot position of the array. Sima Zhi explained the mystery of the Bihu array and arranged the sky.
General Manager Tianhua came here to personally place the array pivot and start and run the large array. Nine six-level instructors each took a team to guard nine array eyes to help others protect the array pivot.
Director Hua will personally run the large array for one day and one night after starting it.
This is an opportunity for everyone to be in the array, and the position of each mentor and student should be determined in advance.
The monster beast just sent a shock wave from the sky at this time. If the magic attack falls into the crowd, I’m afraid there will be hundreds of casualties, especially those third-level students.
Fortunately, Sima value reacted quickly enough to detect the bad news. He got up and brandished a knife, and he brandished a knife with him. There were eleven other six-level tutors who greeted him. It must be whether Sima value is coming or not. They communicated with each other and they instantly formed a knife array.
In Yangyuan Valley, except for three old people and Hua Zhen, Pan Cai should be the first to discuss the technique and the repair of the instrument, but Sima value should be the first to discuss the array method and the repair of the Dan method
After all, Hua Zhen’s last step in refining Chundan during this period mainly fell on Sima’s shoulder, and now he has led so many people to preside over the construction of Bixi Large Array.

But Bai Jing didn’t think too much and didn’t know what Alley was worried about.

When she was enjoying fighting and killing in the Kuroshio
"Maybe every top fighter has a fighting heart. I can’t understand that he can laugh in the face of such a situation."
As the day approaches, the number of weird things increases.
However, the level has dropped.
The Kuroshio seems to have entered the tail.
"It’s like it’s over. Hold on a little longer …"
Just now, a lot of weirdness suddenly stopped.
They all looked in a peripheral direction as if there was something attracting them.
"What’s wrong with these weirdness?"
"I don’t know where they are looking … there is a dark cloud."
"Dark clouds?"
Because it’s too far away, Alley, they can’t hear the sound of thunder clouds, but they can detect the flashing and thunder in the middle.
See these Riley suddenly feel there is a possibility … Xu Le there?
She was a little anxious to go over there and see if it was Xu Le.
But seeing others around her, she gave up the idea.
There are herders, tree people and polluters in Bai Jing.
These conditions are absolutely enough for her to find Xu Le and find Xu Le without moving.
That’s right and reasonable.
When she came to Tianrui Lifeng, there was a certain risk of being discovered.
At this time, we can’t and shouldn’t do this kind of risk-increasing business.
"I feel that these weird things are attracted by the thunder on the other side of the dark clouds, so that our side looks safe."
Bai Jing didn’t show any relief when he heard Alley say this.
Look dignified instead.
Alley is very observant and naturally perceives the strangeness of Bai Jing.
"What’s the matter with you? The pressure is reduced. Why do you look unhappy? "
"Nothing, nothing. I think there may be a familiar friend over there … a little worried about him."
"Ray area? Is it the person who gave you the ability? "
"Maybe, maybe not. I’m not sure."
Bai Jing shook his head.
But Alley here is more and more sure that the person in the mine area is probably Xu Le.
She showed indifference and curiosity according to her emotions.
"Oh, if that’s the case, it interests me. Is it so irresponsible for a guy with very special ability to teach his brother?"
"No, I’m not his brother. I’ve had some contact. I’m not even a friend."
Bai Jing looked a little inferior when he defended Xu Le.
Although her face-to-face fashion with Xu Le is very strong, Bai Jing knows very well that there is an insurmountable gap between her and Xu Le.
The former strength is just pretending to be inferior.
"Well, it seems that you are quite defending him."
See the tide weird retreat places have soldiers are relieved.
Fighting all night, even these people are exhausted at this time.

Li Yu breathed a mouthful of air pockets and pushed 36 heavy white waves from the nose and mouth, like dragons and snakes dancing around to set off his virtual shadow.

He suddenly got up and the whole illusory world collapsed, and a heavy wave of pure gold spread and extended from his feet, losing the support of the mirror of heaven and science, and the world naturally dissipated
The waves roll and pollute the place, and everything seems to burn and melt and fall into the outside world for a moment.
"Ren Huang? !”
As soon as the immortal family relaxed from the state of mind of revenge, they saw the virtual collapse in front of them, reflecting a magnificent dynasty, in which the sun, the moon and the stars stood tall, mountains and rivers surrounded by the gods, the emperors of martial arts chanted prayers, the emperors of martial arts rang bells for worship, the majestic immortals burned incense and sacrificed sacrifices, and the iron torrent vault surrounded the throne of red gold.
It seems to be the manifestation of the will of the mind, and it seems to be the reflection of the law. It makes people unable to help but prostrate themselves, as if they saw the only master emperor.
And when she woke up from a daze, she found that she had crawled when she didn’t know it. The South Ren Huang had disappeared and there was a long residual jinxia card that had come.
"The southern wilderness will become a disaster!"
Inexplicably, an idea rose and she couldn’t stop shivering. Is there going to be a fairy war?
This vast and savage God of Xinjiang is invincible, but I don’t know how many dharma bodies have faded away. But now Ren Huang’s powerful ability is even more obvious than the God of Xinjiang!
At the same time, every step of Li Yu’s walking in the mountains and valleys in the south is echoed by all beings who are willing to float from a distance. This is the law of heaven and earth that connects the real world with the terrans from Ren Huang and is blessed
Before the end of ancient times, there was no terran in the real world, which was a law that could be protected to a certain extent. However, when Ren Huang changed his heritage, he made a fundamental modification to the road. Today, the intention of heaven and earth continues to make it a real part of the law, and its influence has no geographical restrictions
Therefore, there will be terrans who are the protagonists of heaven and earth, saying that there is a chance for everyone to be sheltered by fate.
Now this force has been reawakened by Li Yu, and Ren Huang’s sword control wants to reproduce the brilliant world leading role of Terran in the late ancient times.
The news of the demise of the bloodstained garment Sect also came out. The falling meteorite of Luo Cha, a blood-soaked altar, shook the whole Southern Wilderness. Several people cheered and broke free from the suffering hell, and even the remaining altar brothers dared not be confused and trembled, trying to escape from the mountains and forests.
But I don’t know when Zhou’s troops have gone south, and the strong men have blocked all the strongholds of the bloody clothes Sect to destroy them for heaven.
The aristocratic army also promoted the stationing and taking over the management of various tribal groups into Ren Huang; But this side if people move is completely angered the south drought another strong.
On this day, inexplicably, mountains rose from the ground, and some force manipulated and blocked the border areas of the southern wilderness, which were connected with each other and isolated from the cage of the mountains.
"Method of god! It’s the fairy here! "
To detain the masters of the major sects, they will know that this is what the gods say.
In this area, he is beyond the fairy land, the fairy land, the southern wilderness crown king, and all beings are willing to contribute to the glory, the glory and the loss, and the emperor will compete!
"God’s resistance to Dazhou Road is our enemy’s ten dead and alive."
At the same time, the majestic sound washed away by the pale wave and sent out ten circles of ripples to shake and roar the mountains and rivers, so that the past blocks the border and Da Yue collapses and collapses.
"Ren Huang’s epiphany is a holy shot today!"
They don’t think that the method of god can compete with Ren Huang, even if they are in the southern wilderness. What’s worse, Ren Huang Jian bring up the rear is said.
Who is the best in the world?
"Ren Huang, you crossed the line too much, and I respect you for three points, but you have to push your luck to slay the friends of the bloody sea and take me away. I am willing to plunder my people and regard the southern wilderness as your land in Dazhou!"
The mountains rumbled and shook, and strange sounds were heard around. Huge golden insects flew out of their bodies and covered hundreds of feet, blooming brilliantly, and they could compete for glory every day.
Accompanied by it, there are several miasma flying or poisonous insects or poisonous smoke everywhere. The mountains shake and Guanghua rises to cover the sun like a vast sea of clouds falling down.
"magic god"
Li Yu speaks softly, looking from the depths of the southern wilderness, this golden method insect has eyebrows and eyes, and it is covered with six semi-transparent wings on the back of the carapace.
The number of weeks is stained with blood, and all kinds of wishes and lights are both sacred and evil. It is the southern wilderness that I don’t know how many years have passed since the ancient gods blessed this place, and they have also blessed the Bloodcoat Sect.
"Ren Huang bloodstained garment teaching has been destroyed, and you still want to swallow me. It is a bad way to seize my will, and it is also immortal! If there is a fairy war, you and I can’t get good. "
Method of god has four human arms, two holding an iron black bamboo whip is unusually heavy and humming.
Although he occupied the southern wasteland with the fairy, he was also very afraid and unwilling to make a move in the face of Ren Huang, but the road would be destroyed and he had to confront the situation.
"The undead endlessly? Very well, I’ll satisfy you. Go ahead. "
Li Yu’s body was enlarged and revealed, and the immortal body suddenly turned into a statue of a thousand-foot-tall giant with a perfect red gold inscription. The purple mark was even bigger than that of the magic god, just like the god descending dragons and crouching tigers.
This man of god is like a demon Lord from heaven, and if he is too old, the auspicious clouds on his head will give birth to dynasties and mountains; Golden lanterns shine all over the body, the sun, the moon and the stars rise and fall, and a pair of Leng Mei rises like a knife, and hundreds of millions of gods shine in the sky!
"You really want to do this extinction!"
Method of god surprised anger saw the man of god stepped to tear force Wang Yang hands Meng to build a lock like a day to handcuff directly clamped it on both sides with a loud roar, it was actually blessed by the Southern Wilderness, and the whole body was thrown into the sky!
Boom! Sharp, harsh, scratching, tearing, virtual collapse, a golden meteor rushing up and heading straight for the sky
The aftermath of the foot earthquake and hundreds of giant mountains around it were uprooted and rushed to the sky to hit the gods and burst into dust.
Pull out the mountain and be angry with the world!
Everyone was shocked that the magnificent man of God became a symbol of "strength" and "power", which made their legs weak like a chaotic god in mythology, and their spiritual will was subdued, and they bowed and worshipped more than piety.
Ren Huang!’
It’s a shame that the gods in the clouds are ashamed and resentful, or that they are their own masters. It’s a shame to be so overturned and thrown into the sky. It’s reasonable to say that this place is an ordinary fairy. How can it suffer this robbery?
Omron! The sky is turned upside down, and the sky is dark and dull. When you see the bright red gold, five knuckles that support the sky like giant columns are gathered together, and the giant hand covers it!
Cover the sky with your hands, change the sun and the moon, and see that there is light in the palm of your hand, which is divided from the virtual, reflecting thousands of things in all directions, and drawing the outline of the holy land of humanity, the hometown of all beings falling from the sky and directly patting the back of the gods.
Winter! As dull as drumming, the sound is visible to the naked eye. The body of God is hundreds of thousands of pounds pale. air billow impacts and spreads in a circular way, which makes the virtual collapsed mountains and valleys distorted and thunderous, making everyone’s mind white and bleeding and unable to help but fall to the ground.
The blow made the method of god’s face twisted and his arms stiff, as if he wanted to crack and yearn for the leaking light spot like blood.
"Who gave you the confidence to play with your will in front of me?"
Li Yu’s indifference overlooks the hand slapping, but he doesn’t curl up. Instead, according to the method of God, he falls like a meteorite from the sky, directly hitting the southern wilderness area from the sky, and a hundred feet of earth and stone are flying in all directions in air billow.
Terrible ripples, such as earthworm turning over, make the earth tremble constantly. People can see that the magic god is more miserable than being pushed deep into the ground floor, and I don’t know how many things have been smashed all the way. It is a thousand feet deep to plow through a tunnel and lead to the ground.
"Ren Huang’s true god’s power can also overwhelm the gods in the south!"
People were shocked to feel that Zhou Huang was so powerful that even the whole Southern Wilderness could not affect him, and he could not penetrate the barrier of uniting all beings in the grassland and the Central Plains.

"I heard that longed for home with suspection.i home not to get married? Later, after a beat, she also lost her job. "

"Yes, yes, now ask quickly."
"Miss mu …"
Another question came around.
"Let the horse roll for me," Mu Lijia was very angry and explosive and roared at the crowd.
"If you don’t get out of here, you won’t be able to bury your family."
Another explosive roar
Seeing that all the reporters were indifferent and didn’t want to leave the sample, Mu Lijia picked up the words.
"Hey, Kono Xuanma, take 1000 people from Sanke to Mu’s house and bury all the reporters near Mu’s house, so that no one can escape."
The tone is very angry and angry. These reporters don’t want to leave because they don’t eat and drink. So now let Shengke come and sweep all the reporters.
When this was said, everyone was scared. San Ke, the underworld ranked fifth.
Journalists have all fled, leaving everything behind. It’s important to escape. If the St. Ke people come, it will be terrible.
Mu Lijia walked forward step by step with a black face and then was stopped.
"Mu glass better your father? Let him come out and compensate us for all the losses. "
These are partners with Mu Chuyou, and now they know that Mu Tuan is bankrupt, and all of them have come to get their shares back.
This loss will cost millions.
"If you don’t want to die, just stay here." Throw a word coldly and go straight to your home.
For a moment, everyone looked at each other and didn’t know whether to leave or stay.
It’s very tangled, but I’m not afraid to die at the thought of losing millions of dollars. Stay here and wait for Muchuyou to come out.
Mu Lijia entered the house, and there was no one at home, not even one at home.
"Mom and Dad, don’t you?"
"Mom and Dad, are you not at home?"
The sound room echoed but no one responded.
Meng Minting and Mu Chuyou hid in their rooms, listening to Mu Li’s good news and worrying, "What if Jiajia comes back?"
"Will it matter if she knows martial arts? Now we must wait for Xia Yibing to come."
Meng Minting listened to Muchuyou’s words and wanted to think, but she also endured it and continued to wait in the room.
You can say to yourself, Jiajia, be careful yourself.
Hey, ask for more happiness.
Xia Yibing they have arrived at the door of Mu’s house at this moment, just as Saint Cosette Xuan Nuo came.
Xia Yibing’s car rain and Mo Han also followed the car. Xia Yibing said to Mo Han, "Blocking the family can let people go, but none of them want to go."
Deah355 It is very kind of you to let you die so soon.
"It’s the Lord of the Palace" who received Mo Han and drove all those shopping malls out.
"Han" cosette stopped stranger han.
Mo Han ignored her, and now she knows in her heart that she is here, but the other side is her best sister. What should I do?
So I can wait without talking and have other things to do.
Gave them a wink and returned to Xia Yibing.
"Let’s go in" Xia Yi said coldly.
Rain and stranger culvert nodded and three went into the longed for home.
But I saw Mu Lijia alone, and no one else saw her.
Mu Li Jia looked up and saw Xia Yi Bing Mo Han.
Isn’t Mohan dead? Why are you still alive?
And follow Xia Yibing? What do they have? What will be involved?