In that darkness, it’s like a young man driving a nightmare and death.

Chapter 14 Don’t do this.
"No, no, no! Help them! Help them! Are you a demon? " Professor Kobayashi screamed
What? What? This man is so cold-blooded!
Can save them but don’t start work at all!
"what! ….. Master Zhuang, you are from ruin! "
Xiao Lin also rushed to stare blankly at Fang being swallowed up by darkness, and several Fusang people looked desperate and shocked.
No, it’s not. I know the landlord. I know the landlord. It’s not like that!
Hey, wait a minute. I know the landlord. I’m sure he’s not like this …
Xiao Lin blinked and suddenly felt something was wrong.
He looked at the people who were rapidly swallowed up on the ground and looked at the so-called "pyroclastic flow"
I always feel that the colors are slightly different.
Not far from Zhuang, he wanted to say something when he heard Professor Kobayashi "er" faint to the ground next to him.
Brother crab withdrew his hand knife and explained, "He needs to stop bleeding. It is not advisable to be too emotional at this time."
I know he needs to stop bleeding now, but you don’t have to use a knife!
Xiao Lin doesn’t know what to say.
Fusang is a mountainous state.
There are many mountains in the Immortal Mountain and the East.
There is an arc valley in these mountains, and there are more than a dozen cities and towns in this valley.
The pyroclastic flow is like a tsunami composed of volcanic lava, gravel, volcanic ash and high-temperature steam, and this valley is like a river that binds the pyroclastic flow in it and rolls forward at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour.
On average, it engulfs a city every five minutes.
Yoshida City, with a population of 30,000, alone town with a population of 40,000, wild town with a population of 20,000, Jiayu Town with a population of 10,000, and four-bedroom market with a population of 10,000 …
There are countless fleeing people on the roads near it.
They struggled in vain, cried and ran, but they were still chased and swallowed up.
Several off-road vehicles ran at a crazy speed in the wilderness, which exceeded the speed of pyroclastic flow for a while.
But I don’t know why a puff of black smoke suddenly appeared, like a giant beast biting out.
After the smoke, these cars disappeared.
It is unstoppable, and nothing can stand in its way.
Nothing grows where it is cold, and all buildings, roads and rivers are wiped out.
Of course, all creatures have disappeared.
What’s even more frightening is that as time goes by, half an hour has passed and it still hasn’t stopped at all.
The mountain that erupts crazily and never dies is constantly replenishing energy.
The scorching air billow brought a strong wind, blowing hot gas and debris to rush.
As the distance from Dongdu City is getting closer and closer, the population nearby is getting denser and denser.
Brolin, president of Jiabang Dongda District of Dongdu International Airport in Dongdu District, is chatting with a person next to him.
"Pete, how many people have you got?"
"We? Got 47! What about you? "
"We don’t have that many, there are 22, but they are all the top elites …"
"There are 22 …"
"I said we had shipped several batches before this batch."
"Powerful society can’t compare with society!"
Brolin gloated and looked at the scholars around him with a smile.
The guys who didn’t grab the manor at the moment must be crying.
Yes … Why is this plane taking off so slowly? Can’t you hurry?
Because a large number of victims need help, almost everyone has to leave by plane because of the huge waves in the sea.
At this time, because a large amount of volcanic ash erupted from the immortal mountain is floating in the sky, it is becoming more and more unsuitable for taking off and landing.
There are fewer and fewer planes that can take off at Dongdu Airport.
With the passage of time, brolin’s heart gradually grew up.
Just then, there was a sudden disturbance in the airport lobby.
Brolin suddenly turned around and saw a horrible picture being released on the big screen of the airport.
"The undead mountain crazy eruption pyroclastic flow long-distance strikes! At present, the speed is 12 kilometers per hour and it is spreading to Dongdu City. Now it is 2 minutes left from Dongdu City! The government has reached a final evacuation order, and everyone is evacuated from Dongdu District. Evacuate Dongdu District! Method to evacuate people, please enter the bunker and protection nearby … "
"This is not an exercise. Remember this is not an exercise! !”
"God bless us before Fusang!"
Two minutes from Dongdu District? So when it comes to the airport, there are four minutes at most?

Then lax defense has found the basic reason

Of course, a deeper analysis may also be that this blue star army recognizes that it is impossible for the Eldar pursuers to have such a gesture after three and a half days.
At this point, the wind industry is confident
I’m afraid the whole Eldar can catch up with asteroid 421 in three and a half days except for the virtual pulse of the elder.
Soon a tangle was placed in front of the wind industry.
Was it a surprise attack in the blue star army’s sleep?
Or do you want to recover your strength for a few hours before making a surprise attack?
It took only a minute to consider the wind industry and made a decision.
Make a surprise attack now
After a few hours of recovery, his strength can be restored from the current 50% to about 70%, and then the raid can also cause some confusion
But if you raid the wind industry in this blue star force’s sleep now, you can surely kill the strongest blue star force with one blow.
The only satellite star is probably the one that can slay the nine satellite stars in this blue star army in intelligence.
If you want to slay the defending star, then the rest of the Blue Star Army is a native tile dog to the wind industry.
Moreover, in the blue star forces’ sleep state, they raided the wind industry and were sure to kill one or two Qiwei after killing the strongest guard.
According to the previous information, seven of the nine seven guards are like Daxi people and guards of heaven.
This seven-Wei Feng industry is not worried.
He is so fast that the seven guards don’t pose much threat to him.
Soon the wind industry made a surprise plan for itself.
Cut the guard first and then the other two seven guards.
If Xu tui and others know, then the current order of the wind industry is Ruan Tianzuo, who is expected to retire from the seven guards in the middle of the myth of Wei.
Xu retired in front of Ruan Tianzuo because he felt more threatened by Xu retired in the wind industry.
I have to say that the wind industry is really powerful and professional.
Several reconnaissance to draw up the killing sequence is correct.
For the wind industry, the distance of 100 kilometers can be reached in a few seconds, but it took the wind industry two minutes to blow into the 421 asteroid base defense like a gust of wind.
The temperature of base defense, the asteroid 421, is a little lower than the outside world, but it has no effect on the wind industry.
But turned into a breeze and slowly approached his first kill target.
To kill the guard with one blow and then slay the second target with one blow.
Killing these two people according to the wind industry plan will be completed in one second, and then the victory will be sealed.
"The enemy is coming. Watch out."
"Ula Lao Ruan, as planned, you may be the first target of the enemy. Pay attention."
Huang temporary communication network awake all at the same time.
Xu retreat spirit also carefully running with the help of storm snow force field to find the enemy.
The moment you find the enemy’s position is the time of ambush.
At the same moment, a mass of green light suddenly shone at a distance of one kilometer from Ula.
The enemy’s position was exposed and an attack was launched at the same time
A net of green light has covered Ulla’s hiding place as usual.
Almost at the same time, the light flashed from Ula.
Xu retreat command Xu retreat attack rises at the same time.

Some fairy herbs and plants once appeared in a certain era, but now they are extinct. I didn’t expect to see them again in the treasure tower!

Chapter two hundred and nine Relic
"Nine Dragon Lotus!"
Sumo Treasure Tower stopped in front of a treasure chest at the end of the second floor and looked at a lotus flower in the treasure chest.
Even his violet veins are stirring.
When he was in the warring States period, Linglong Xianwang told him about this lotus.
Nine-day dragon lotus is a lotus growing in the nine-day era. According to many ancient books, the nine-day era may be the oldest era ever.
It was Xuan Nv the Great who created The Sorcery for nine days.
At the beginning, the exquisite fairy king, Xuan Nv the Great, had seen the story of Nine Dragon Lotus for nine days.
I don’t know how many eras and billions of years have passed since the nine-day era. All living things in that era have already died in several eras, leaving few traces.
I didn’t expect to see a relatively complete nine dragon lotus on the second floor of the Treasure Tower!
Although this plant has withered, it is definitely a great supplement to violet.
It is said that when the dragon lotus blooms for nine days, a dragon will be born in the center of the lotus!
Su Mo’s eyes fell on the treasure chest to exchange points for meritorious military service.
Two thousand points!
This nine-day dragon lotus is one of the most precious and rare treasures in the second floor of the treasure tower!
Su Mo thoughtfully for a little without immediate exchange, but continued to go towards the third floor of the Treasure Tower.
The third layer of treasures still covers a wide range, whether it is a panacea or a natural treasure.
Moreover, Sumo, the third floor of the Treasure Pagoda, saw more spiritual objects that had been extinct in the past era!
There is a plant growing in Jiuyou Era, Jiuyou Orchid is still alive!
Of course, this precious vegetation needs a lot of meritorious military service points.
All the people in the sword world went all the way, and from time to time the crowd gave out a burst of wonder.
Many of them came to the third floor of the Treasure Pagoda for the first time.
There are many treasures that even Lu Yun and Yu Lan have never heard of!
Su Mo walked all the way, looking at the rare treasures one by one.
It is no exaggeration to say that all the treasures in it are precious, and some of them make him feel a thrill!
But so far, he has not found what he needs most.
After practicing to the true state, the most important thing for monks, besides Yuan Lingshi, is to understand heaven and earth and realize Taoism.
Many true spirits often have enough resources to practice, and the true elements have already accumulated to the top, but the dharma can get stuck in the bottleneck when they understand the mystery of the realm.
In particular, the two realms behind the real realm, the ghost cave deficiency, have particularly high requirements for the monk’s enlightenment!
So far, Su Mo has mastered two kinds of magical powers, the immortal sword and the tooth magical power.
But in fact, he still has several magical powers that have been cultivated to the quasi-magical level.
Some magical powers, such as The six great divisions in the wheel of karma in a flash, including four arms, have a great chance of understanding his talent and getting opportunities and accumulating precipitation over time
However, some magical powers even have some teachings, and he will never be able to do so.
Including three secret methods in the forbidden secret book "Prajna Nirvana Sutra", so far he is also understanding the one of "all kinds of behaviors"
There are still two methods behind, I am nirvana and silence, and he finally realizes the method.
And if we can comprehend Buddhism to the extreme, we can raise the buddhas and dragons to the level of magical power by integrating the secret methods of the dragon clan!
Every understanding of a magical power will produce a qualitative leap and ascension for monks!
When you understand the avatar, God will come to baptize and refine the flesh, blood and yuan God, so that monks can be reborn.
At the same time, after understanding a magical power, Daofa will become stronger and stronger when it is integrated into Daoguo.
The stronger the fruit, the stronger the cave will be in the future!
Su Mo searched while watching.
Finally, he shone at the moment and walked a few steps to a treasure chest.
There is a baby fist-sized stone in this treasure chest, which is golden and round, glittering and translucent, without any impurities, emitting a faint golden light.
Lohan relic!
And it’s arhat relic!
The Buddhist monk Zhen Yijing called Luohan Daoguo a relic.
For Sumo, the most direct way to continue to understand Buddhism and Taoism is to find a arhat relic.
It is only by observing the relics that we can realize the mutual confirmation of what we have learned in Buddhism and Taoism.
Among all arhat relics, arhat relic doubt is the most precious one!
Because there must be a magical power in the arhat relic!
If it is a Buddhist avatar, the Buddha and the dragon elephant will help Su Mo the most.
"Lohan relic"
Just then Lu Yun came over and saw this relic whispering.
Sumo didn’t hesitate to put the Mukden token in the treasure chest groove, and it took a full 3,000 points to exchange this arhat relic.

"ha? Hair? " Brother Wen is at a loss

Rice sister took out a small cosmetic mirror from her pocket and held it in front of Brother Wen.
"What?" Brother Wen looked at the thick hair on the screen and tugged and tugged …
Brother Wen’s hair has always been thin, just like the upper atmosphere, and he can’t seem to cover his scalp.
Therefore, he left a slightly exaggerated hairstyle to cover up his shortcomings, and his curly hair looked fluffy, plentiful and dense.
Everyone who knows him says he is a European style.
But … now he suddenly has too much hair and becomes an explosive head.
"This ….. this how to return a responsibility? Who put a wig on me? " Brother Wen felt that he must have eaten tomatoes too seriously. Everyone took the opportunity to throw a hat of forgiveness at his head … not a wig.
He grabbed his hair and yanked it …
"PSST looks painful …"
"What’s going on here? Is it really not a special effect? " People watching the live broadcast are crazy.
"No" Brother Wen tugged at his hair with a hard face of disbelief.
Even the tears came.
"No, it’s true? Is it true? Really? " Brother Wen held his head in disbelief.
At that moment, his worldview collapsed.
How is that possible? Such an unscientific thing!
It should be a lie to sell such things that are obviously contrary to common sense in the street!
Is this cheating the highest realm and even the world has been cheated?
"Brother Wen, run!"
"No, Brother Wen is going to eat Xiang!"
"Ah ah ah how to do!" Brother Wen screamed, what is the development different from imagination?
Do you want your hair to grow? Want to be happy?
But what can I do if I want to eat Xiang live?
Is it necessary to hide your face and run away at this time and pretend that nothing happened?
But … Can you escape? I’m a man of my word!
Not far from Zhuang, he was also a little upset. At that time, he dreamed of a live broadcast and was disgusted by himself
"Apologize to the master, I can … well, when I didn’t hear those words," Zhuang felt that he hadn’t emphasized the taste to that extent.
"I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Thank you so much! " Brother Wen rushed at Zhuang not far away and wanted to give Zhuang a hug not far away. Not far away, Zhuang quickly flashed back.
Brother Wen wants to hold Master Zhao to apologize again. Master Zhao also flicker out five meters away-not far from Zhuang, he almost forgot that Master Zhao has a good flying skill!
Brother Wen didn’t have a hug to shout, "I’m sorry I was wrong. I shouldn’t have doubted you!" It’s my fault that I have eyes! "
In a second, brother Wen got High again. He hugged the card and shouted, "I’m well! I’m saved! Great! "
bullet comment
"Thanks to the old doctor …"
"Thanks to the old doctor+16 …"
Things are developing a little too bizarre. Watching the live broadcast, the audience doesn’t know what to say, and they can automatically vomit.
It was a long time before someone reacted.
"No, what is this development?"
"This painting style is wrong today …"
"Who will tell me if this is a special effect?"
"Rice sister and elder brother collude? How can it be so magical? "
"This is absolutely true love. Brother Wen ruined his image like this?"
"The image of high cold has collapsed"
"Congratulations, Brother Wen, for entering the funny world."
Brother Wen vented his anger and said excitedly to the camera, "Dear children’s shoes, I’m here to solemnly apologize to the manor owner and the old man. I was wrong. I shouldn’t jump to conclusions … This tomato is really effective. I feel like I’m going to have a thick head of hair. I want to eat some more …"
Brother Wen excitedly took out another tomato and then took a bite.

can say

Thaksin Shan Muhua also believes in Zhou Jia.
More confident in yourself.
"Shout …"
The carriage drove out of the gate and rushed to the mountain forest.
Pulling horses and horses gently shakes their hair and gives birth to wind. It’s a leap of several feet, but it’s a short step, and the speed is comparable to that of black iron masters
The halo circulation of the carriage seems to come from the Mu world, and it has been speeding all the way without any bumps.
The driver’s means of driving the carriage is to go all the way over the mountains and straight to the distance
"Guy" went in one ear and the carriage drifted away. Zhou Jia couldn’t help but frown and let go of Zhong Zhong’s way
"Where are we going?"
"Meeting a friend" Lei Batian’s mouth is full of drinks, and the more people drink, the more energetic they are, and now their eyes are bright and their spirits are high.
"A friend I have been pestering for most of my life!"
His tone is ferocious and implicit, which also makes Zhou Jia frown.
Lei Batian put the jar heavily, and the excessive force made the jar surface appear filar silk cracks, and some wine overflowed from it.
"That man killed my sister, killed my children and killed my sworn brothers!"
He raised the jar and gulped it down, then laughed.
"But I didn’t suffer. I grabbed his wife and played in front of many people for a day and a night, and then sent it back."
"To tell the truth, that woman was moist, but she committed suicide when she got back."
Then he shook his head and sighed with regret.
"and his son!"
"Unlike me, there are very few children, and half of them are killed and maimed by me. They cry when they hear my name, but my name doesn’t cry when they cry."
"Ha ha …"
Lei Batian laughed.
"In the first half, he made it difficult for me to look up. In the second half, I asked him to double the repayment. This is my principle of being a man!"
"Zhou Jia, do you think I did it right?"
"I don’t know" Zhou Jia shook his head indifferently.
"Uncle Shi must care about what others say?"
"Ha ha ….." Lei Ba Tian laughed wildly and had long hair flying, and the thunder knife was excited and trembled, and mercerized around him.
"Zhou Jia, if you are not my disciple, I must take you away. You are too much for my appetite."
"How are you getting along with Mei Er these days?"
"Miss Lei has a hard personality" Zhou Jiakou
"The younger generation is hard to get along with."
"That’s because you don’t have enough means." Lei Batian opened his eyes wide.

Everyone knows that this sixth round ranking war will be two rare fairy wars!

Wind hidden to Liu Ping
Liu Pinggan Kun’s younger brother was once given a chance by Su Mo to save his life and change his destiny. He will definitely do his best to deal with the wind and hide as much as possible.
And Yue Fengshen, the first fairy of Shanhai Xianzong, will never give up without a fight against Su Mo.
In the sixth round, four people will go to the two wars!
"I didn’t expect that I, Liuping, could come to this step like a dream."
Liuping carried a little hand and a little pink face with a sigh of emotion
Although she is a child, she looks a little weird and can’t help laughing.
Dry kunyuan all chuckled in succession.
Princess Chihong jokingly said to Liu Ping, "Brother Liu, if you win Feng Yin, you can go back to the school and give you candy."
Small sleeve, a wave of his hand, left the pie mouth and turned to look at Su Mo’s way. "Teacher Su, don’t worry, I will do my best to let Feng Yin see my dry Kunyuan means."
"Don’t try to be brave. If you see things, you can’t choose to throw in the towel and leave the bluestone battlefield."
Su Mo told Ichi
"What if I win!"
Liu Pingyang said proudly with a small face, "Brother Su may eventually fight for me!"
Sue ink smiled slightly in the heart a warm.
He knew that Liuping would try his best to fight the First World War just to consume the hidden means of the wind as much as possible.
He will have more chances to win in the final decisive battle.
Schelling ordered four people to step on the battlefield in succession.
"Su Daoyou’s battle is unfair, but it represents the choice of Shanhai Xianzong."
Yue Feng slightly hand heavy said.
Su Mo looked calm and nodded slightly. "I was just about to ask Shanhai Xianzong for advice!"
"Big mountain moving!"
Yue Feng fuelling yuan god hands kneading method tactic concise avatar force towards Su Mo is a finger.
A large shadow covers the sky!
A magnificent mountain peak crashed and several rocks and dust tumbled down, carrying terror and coercion towards Sumo!
"Hum! Well! What about it! Oh! Mi! Hey! "
Su Mo spit out six Sanskrit sounds in succession, and at the same time, his hands changed continuously, and six different dharma seals finally condensed into a statue of dharma seals that did not move like a mountain.
Behind him, it seems that a tall and stalwart virtual shadow is blooming with the sacred ratio of the sunset!
The magic seal, the demon seal, the prison immortal seal and the immovable root seal, the donkey kong wheel seal, the Great Sumeru Mountain seal.
Six printing methods at the same time will condense into a great magical power, Wang Yin!
The mountain peak fell motionless and the king burst into a loud noise!
This tall, virtual shadow stands still as if its feet had taken root. When the whole mountain hits the surface, cracks appear and keep collapsing!
Yue Fenggen didn’t give Su Mo a breathing machine with his hands folded, and the second magical power followed!
"Mountain axe!"
Yue Feng drank a steady stream of magical powers in his mouth, and a huge axe was revealed in the virtual reality!
Yue Feng hands to a split!
This huge axe fell from the sky and couldn’t move the king!
This time, Wang Weiwei’s shaking figure is dim, and many cracks will collapse at any time!
Chapter two thousand two hundred and forty Python Panshan
"You can’t spend it like this."
Sue ink mind flashed a thought.
His divine power has just recovered more than 30%
If you constantly confront Yue Feng with the magical secret method, he can still win, but the consumption of Yuan’s magical power is too large, and it will become a huge hidden danger if you meet Feng Yin soon.
Su Mo’s body moves towards Yue Feng and gallops away.
Yue Feng saw Su Mo approaching and chose to avoid fighting. His body suddenly retreated around the edge of the bluestone battlefield to keep his distance.
The Yue Feng plan is also very simple.
He knows that Sumo’s weakness needs to be constantly consumed by the magical secret method. If Sumo’s divine power is exhausted, he will take the initiative!
When the time comes, he will have an absolute chance of winning, whether in close combat or far attack.
Sue ink eyes big sheng vertical palm into a knife suddenly in the direction of Yue Feng by cutting out a.
This is a style in which the knife emperor bears the responsibility of fixing the sea.
When this kind of knife method is understood to the extreme, it can lead to the evolution of imprisoning magical power!
"Give me a break!"
Yue Feng didn’t dare to be careless and hurriedly released the secret method of Zongmen, and a burst of landslides broke out and directly broke the dinghai force.

Yip hon asked "how do you say go? There was no wind before? "

"I don’t know," Bai Xiaoting shook his head and his ponytail dangled. "I haven’t heard anything yet today. Grandpa suddenly decided to leave today … Ah, you two are well-informed. I’m going to call you after the car."
"My grandfather didn’t say goodbye to you?" Yip hon the cheek to ask
"Fuck off, who’s with you!" Bai Xiaoting hit Yip Han directly in the chest with an angry fist.
Yip hon a cover your chest "molested-"
"What’s wrong with you!" Bai Xiaoting stare yip hon growl without hesitation.
Zhou Yun put a hand over her face. Is this girl a simpleton or a string in her head?
Several bodyguards nearby tried to laugh, but dared not, and suppressed it extremely hard.
See yip hon hey hey smile Bai xiaoting this just realized that his words are ill-chosen, but there is no excuse to show a frivolous appearance. Put out a green jade finger and yip hon ba picked a "come and give me a smile".
This time, even Professor Qin was heard there and could not help but look at it in surprise.
Yip hon also stare big eyes. He knew Bai Xiaoting was tough, but he didn’t expect her to be so tough. His eyes secretly scanned for a week and woke up. "Everyone is watching you. Stop playing!"
"What to play? Grandpa makes you laugh! " Bai Xiaoting seems to be crazy. Instead of convergence, she raised her voice.
Yip hon secretly shouted missteps, deliberately refused, and was afraid that Bai Xiaoting would come up with something even more embarrassing to weigh the pros and cons. He had to grin at Bai Xiaoting, "Hey, hey, okay?"
Bai Xiaoting looked disgusted. "I’ve never seen anyone smile more ugly than you. Forget it!" The girl who pulled back a city laughed so hard that she called a proud squint and kept raising her eyebrows at Yip Han.
Zhou yun completely became a spectator, but he also watched it with relish. He really understood the thoughts of these two people. How deformed the brain circuits of these two people are to take the wrong line like them?
Yip hon immediately countered, "Then you should give me a smile!"
"Hey, hey, no way!" Bai Xiaoting a pair of proud appearance Yang neck strabismus 45 degrees.
"If there is no way, there is no way. I’m sorry," said Yip Han. "Seriously, you don’t have any news?"
"What is the Ministry news?" Bai Xiaoting asked.
"Anything, such as how about the giant mantis, how about the giant mosquito, whatever you know and we don’t know," said Yip Han.
"Oh!" Bai Xiaoting showed a thoughtful look. "You seem to have it!"
"really?" Ye Han’s eyes are shining
"but!" Bai Xiaoting suddenly changed her vigilance as if she recognized the Juntong Special Party "What should I tell you?"
Yip hon-hsin said, how did this kid get into trouble again? Ma Qi bluffed Dafa, "Aren’t we friends?"
"It’s a friend!" Bai Xiaoting nodded. "But does this have anything to do with leaking secrets?"
Even zhou yun, who was on the sidelines, was shocked by her logic. Is this the big girl? Can she speak?
I don’t know if Bai Xiaoting said this because it’s hard for Yip Han. I never thought about keeping secrets.
On the other hand, it is impossible for Professor Qin to let her know what really needs to be kept secret.
In other words, Bai Xiaoting knows that the news is not a secret, but a matter of identity convenience, so that she can know that it will take a while before everyone will know that the news is not leaked at all.
Yip hon wanted to think before saying "can’t say you don’t say don’t finished? I don’t want to hear any secrets either. Can you tell me, for example, where is the weakness of the giant mantis and where is the heart? "
Bai Xiaoting blinked. "Well, I don’t know where the mantis’s heart grows, but I know that the insect’s heart is actually a long dorsal aortic blood vessel, which is equivalent to the insect’s heart, but the insect’s heart is different from the mammal’s heart. You can’t tell for a while if you go back to the internet and look at the picture."
Yip hon collapsed. "Stop it! You know that’s not what I asked!"
Chapter 66 Ministry news (2)
Bai Xiaoting shrugged his shoulders and took a hidden glance at the nearby bodyguards to suppress the bass. "I heard that Beidu has done some experiments to compare the DNA of giant mantis and giant mosquito with that of ordinary mantis. The results are very … very shocking. The genes of giant insects are very different from those of similar ordinary insects!"
"No way!" Ye Hanyin is as thin as a gnat. "So exaggerated?"
He was really shocked that the original giant worm was bigger. He never thought that the giant worm was actually a new creature!
"It’s more exaggerated than you think," Bai Xiaoting said. "Although the giant mantis looks exactly the same as the ordinary mantis, from the genetic point of view, the giant mantis and the ordinary mantis are two completely different creatures, which is equivalent to the difference between humans and chimpanzees. I found some evidence that the giant bug evolved into an ordinary bug, and my grandfather left in such a hurry."
Yip hon thoughtfully silent to one side zhou yun wondering "no, if so, how fast does the giant worm evolve? From ordinary insects to giant insects overnight? "
"That’s right. The gene mutation is not so fast. It’s still a body mutation!" Yip hon have them say
"This!" Bai Xiaoting glanced at Professor Qin covertly and suddenly put his arm around Yip Han’s shoulder and whispered in his ear, "I heard that Beidu isolated a pathogen from giant worms, which is effective for mammals, but all crustaceans infected with pathogens have genetic variation!"
"No! Infection becomes a giant worm? " Yip hon surprised and looked at Bai Xiaoting eyes twisted in horror.
Excessive surprise made him ignore Bai Xiaoting’s ambiguous posture. I turned my head and my lips just brushed Bai Xiaoting’s cheek. A faint fragrance got into his nostrils.
Yip hon not alpha males a stir.
Bai Xiaoting pushed Yip Han’s big head. "What are you doing so close to me?" She grabbed the sleeve and rubbed her face hard.
Yip hon that call a depressed "is your own initiative leaned in, ok?"
"Did I ask you to turn around?" Bai Xiaoting angrily questioned.
"Okay, okay, I’m wrong again!" Yip hon surrender.
It’s always a man who makes mistakes in this kind of thing!
"Cut!" Bai Xiaoting eyes crooked mouth room cold hum a face rubbed two again.
Yip hon gasped, "Why don’t you let me get you some water to wash?"
"Then you say hurry!" Bai Xiaoting said it like a true story, but when it comes to the back, she couldn’t help laughing. "Come on, come on, why are you like a doormat?" Come on, come on, I’ll kiss you back. Are you fair? "
Zhou yun choked into his throat with a mouthful of saliva and coughed violently in inhibition.
All eyes came together and Zhou Yunma showed a embarrassed look.
Professor Qin paused, then the horse returned to normal and smiled. "Young people let young people solve it themselves."
Leng Jiang also smiled "Qin Lao is really open-minded …"
Yip hon let this sentence choke until his eyes rolled and his head leaned forward. "Come on, come on, who’s afraid of who?"

This scene has had a great impact on him!

It was not until the wolf king’s head fell heavily before Su Mo that he took a long breath.
After a short silence, thousands of Cang Lang whimpered and ran away in the distance without looking back.
Suddenly disappeared completely, leaving the wolf’s body covered in blood.
Chapter two hundred and one Five thousand years of immortality
Su Mo looked back at the dark cave behind him and looked indecisive.
Leng for a moment Su Mo consciousness looked at the monkey.
After all, he hasn’t come back for two years. There is something in this cave that the monkey should know best.
Only to see Sue ink eyes spirit monkey also shook his head a face of confusion.
"… cold pool into … abode of fairies and immortals"
Just then Su Mo suddenly heard a strange sound than weak intermittent.
This sound is very abrupt, just like Su Mo’s mind!
Is there someone in the cave?
Just cold pool noodles?
What means is this?
Su Moping recovered his mind and looked at the monkey.
There is nothing unusual in the monkey’s sleep.
This means that the sound has been heard by himself!
What is the identity of the other party and what is the purpose? Su Mo doesn’t know anything about it, and she is not uneasy.
But on second thought, if it weren’t for this man, he would have been killed by a wolf kiss.
The worst result is just to die again.
Su Mo thoughtfully for a moment and did not tell the monkey about it.
There is a possibility that the mysterious man doesn’t want the monkey to hear the mysterious man’s voice.
Besides, Su Mo doesn’t want the monkey to take risks with him.
"Monkey, wait for me to go in and have a look." Su Mo struggled to get up with severe pain.
"Oh, oh!"
The monkey called several times, holding Su Mo with one hand and gesticulating with the other, meaning to go in together.
"You wait for me outside. I’ll be right back."
Su Mo added, walking slowly to the cave.
A pungent and familiar smell came into the cave, and Su Mo frowned.
It’s that dead monkey shit again
Little change in the cave Su Mo looked around and went straight to the cold pool.
There are layers of white air on the water, and the chill is biting.
Su Mo didn’t hesitate to take a deep breath and jumped in directly.
Because wearing Xuan Jin silk armour, Su Mo sinks quickly.
Two years ago, he had just cultivated to Yi Jin and sneaked into the middle position, and his blood had already frozen.

I’m afraid I’ll have to cut nearly 10% if I can get through the day safely.

And these born talents are the ones who have initially got the qualification to compete for the immortal clan.
When they were all paying attention to the virtual battle, the two men came all the way towards the enchantment.
Just then, a bright green mountain rose into the sky!
"It’s a symbol diagram!"
Chapter 261 Meet an old friend again
A green symbol figure rises into the sky!
Li Yuan’s eyes almost popped out in the direction of two people falling.
"This enchantment should be able to block …"
Li Yuan hasn’t finished yet, but he sees one or two people directly passing through the enchantment, and the figure of the bearer also rushes in the direction of Meng Chen and Shu Li.
Meng Chen leaned against the giant peak and felt a breath rushing behind him.
Without thinking about it, his hands are red, his eyes are shining, and his general consciousness is toward his back.
This claw figure was suddenly prompted by a green light beam falling from the sky.
Blink of an eye will Meng Chen and special from two people.
Meng Chen’s mind turned sharply when fists turned into palms and palms were rolled out!
With a hard support, Meng Chen’s palm was also printed with a punch.
"You …"
From startled bowed their heads and suddenly found a huge suction sky.
He is more familiar with this kind of breath.
All the people who get the inheritance map will be sent to different immortal sects in the end.
It’s abrupt. He didn’t expect Meng Chen to do this.
"Thank you for helping me into the extreme! This grace will be reported in the future! "
Meng Chen grinning with a trace of blood corners of the mouth cold sneer at a way
Otherwise, it’s incredible to be shocked. The green light in your eyes flashes and the whole person disappears into the sky.
Meng Chen doesn’t know what the sky is like. He knows that he has been away from here for a short time and can’t come back
Meng Chen knew that it was impossible for him and Jueli to tell the outcome in a short time.
He can feel that there is no card left.
But the same fight all the way to the present has long been aware that Meng Chen has not moved his strength.
How can a person who can slaughter that nine saint and escape from the sacred pillar be slay so easily?
At this moment, I don’t know that there is a giant peak in the sky, and the blood cloud in the prison is finally scattered by Meng Chen.
If this matter enters the ears of the Lord of Sanctuary, I’m afraid Meng Chen will face more than just a Lord of Sanctuary.
Of course, Meng Chen himself knows that it will still go out.
But if you can delay for a while now, it will be a while.
Time is pressing, and now Meng Chen has grown up when he needs it too much!
Meng Chen learned from The Hunger and Youwu beast that there is another world in the sky.
Ming JIU Tian Jie

But Xiao Ye came to see him again before dawn today. He said that if he didn’t completely break his heart today, he would commit suicide.

Don’t choose anything else
Xiao Huang thinks that there seems to be a vicious devil living in his eyes with steep eyes, but his words are as far away as the breeze.
"As you wish"
He said as you wish.
Say whatever you like, like to end up so light, as you wish.
Su wan’s bouts of fainting were not for her strong support, and she didn’t know if she could still persist in sweating all over, but she stared at the man with her teeth clenched.
She didn’t want to be so embarrassed in front of him. She used to be proud that Su Wan shouldn’t be so easily put up with her teeth.
But her side Feng Linglong and Feng Feng stayed up all night to see this, and she felt very sad.
Phoenix has walked out of the night and stopped Xiao Huang’s way. Sen’s cold mouth is abnormal. "Xiao Huang, it is absolutely impossible for you to take people away from here today unless you step on it alone."
"Then try your best."
Xiao Huang lifted her eyes and stood up to Feng from the night coldly.
As soon as two people trigger the war, they will fight. Although Su Wan hates Xiao Huang so much in his heart, it’s time to be afraid that he will be injured by his uncle. It’s really good to hate that she has no ambition and even tears are disappointing.
She said to herself, Su Wan, don’t cry, don’t cry. Didn’t you used to be a heartless person? Why do you cry and swallow it back?
Swallow all the tears back
But she couldn’t control her tears. They still flowed down her pale face.
She didn’t want Xiao Huang to see her mess and screamed sharply, "Let him go, let them go. From then on, we will meet again as enemies."
Feng looked at Su Wan at night and saw that she tried her best to support herself. She was too proud to be so embarrassed in front of Xiao Huang.
Phoenix from the night to the side let Xiao Huang strode over and took a look at the stream. The stream stumbled up and followed him all the way out, while Su Wan looked at the farther and farther behind. Finally, the two men could not bear the stimulation and fainted directly.
When she fainted, there was an idea in her mind that I would never love again in this life, and I would never love again in this life. I was so tired that tears ran down my eyes.
Everyone around rushed over and panicked and shouted "Wan Er Wan Er"
I didn’t dare to read the ticket paper or ask for it, but I want to say that it takes ups and downs to look good. If the girls feel abused, stop and read it in a few chapters … The back will be better … Chapter 144 Jing Wangfu benefactor Su Wan married.
Su Wan was held by Feng Linglong and sent all the way to the hospital for treatment. Feng ordered the physician to save people and handed over the remaining things to the Prime Minister of the DPRK to deal with himself and Feng Linglong to go to see Su Wan.
This is what he owes his daughter for 16 years. He doesn’t want her to have anything.
Phoenix didn’t follow the night. He slowly turned around and looked at it and walked away. Xiao Huang looked back at it and followed Feng all the way to the palace courtyard. Xiao Ye.
It’s a show.
Xiao Huang loves her son because he knows that it will never be pretending that he won’t have the heart to hurt her like this. Besides, he always remembers that he talked about her dazzling god, which is definitely not a fake.
Phoenix thought as she left the night and went straight for Xiao Huang.
He is a carriage chasing Xiao Huang outside the palace.
Before the carriage stopped to flicker, it jumped out of the carriage and stared at Xiao Huang in the carriage coldly.
At the moment, Xiao Huang’s face is particularly ugly, whiter than paper, and he is covered with frost. He faintly looks at Feng’s eyes from the night, and God seems to have no soul.
Phoenix raised his hand from the night and punched him. Xiao Huang didn’t move. He was punched by Phoenix from the night all his life, and then his eyebrows frowned with pain, but he still didn’t say anything.